Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

10 FRIDAY BROOKLYN TIMES UNION I OCTOBER. 1S36 Party that made him "what he Is lesUn. of SB East BM IfarMrte HONORED Is one ot the outstanding groups of its kind In the city has a member-shin of thirty-five experienced cam- Stars; Irma B. "Woiowlti. of IK Oseea) ave.

Elisabeth 0. taughlln, of 5M Thtr Wralna M. MallouV. of 541 First Virginia O'Brien, of RSS Ocean Rut Palmer, of IM roster and Doris B. Berafeld, af 1171 East dsth at.

Political Notes Br JOHN P. GE18 FOR MONS. HICKEY JL-A Wtaifnd Meade; traunrar. Aaa Kane; counsellor, Allca Kausdjr. Hoyftoroore Class President.

Margaret Barkery; vloa praaMant, Dorothy Irvine; secretary, OaraJdin. Donn.ily treasurer. Mat jorle Phillips; counsellor, Hosanna nty. Aellfloa Committee Chairman, Mary Dlaney; other members, Mary Twigs, Elisabeth Humann, Josephine Hogua, Jeanne Aubrey, Kltsabeth Nicolaua, Helen Hlgstns, Margaret Fay, Joeephine O'Con-nell, Wlnltred Meade, Francea McLaughlin, Alice Kennedy, Jean O'Reilly, Concetla 4ii-ampietro and Arleen Anderoen. Athletic Association President, Frances young; secretary, Helen Dotal) treasurer, Eileeti Daiy; varsity manager, Hetty O'Halloran.

volley ball manager, Francea McLaughlin; class basketball, Margaret Berkery; tennis and hockey, Annette Robinson; deck tennis, Arleen Andersen; rifle, Janet Lewis; baseball, Margaret tiulllvan; badminton, Dorothy Allen; cheerleaders, Kitty Croaa and Mary Mannla; hostess, Betty Nicolaua. Student Kxam. Committee Chairman, Elizabeth O'HalloraJi; other membera, Mary Mannlx, Edith Lilly, Margaret Laux, Cecelia Ureegau, Katheriue tinea, and Jean Ulllesple. Student Attendance Committee Chairman, Peggy English; secretary, Ruth Whltbread; other members, Isabella Ander-aen, Helen iiiggins, and Mary Concannon. Dramatic Club President, Madeleine Noonon; vice president, Ruth Bennett; secretary, Katheriue Shea.

Ulea Club President, Mary Twlgg; secretary treasurer, Mary librarian, Jean O'Reilly. Social Service Preealdent, Amelia Mora-blto; vlca president, Margaret Keenan; secretary-treasurer, Marlon Magea. French Club President. Janet Morris; vlca president, Amelia Merablto; secretary, Rosalyn Mantredoula; treasurer, Concetta, Giampletro. Art Club Evelyn McCaueland.

History Club President, Margaret llae-Gllllvray. Bridge Club Prealdent. Helen Deegan. Lorla (Literary tjuarterly) Editor, Angelina Lelblnger; art editor, Marjorle Parker; business managers, Marguerite Mulren-nan, and Genevlevfe Sullivan. Officers elected to guide the Alumnae Association also have been announced as follows; President, Miss Genevieve D'Ai-bora: vice prealdent, Mlsa Kathleen Du-gan; recording aecretary, Miss Roaa O'Brien; treasurer.

Miss Frances Dleckert; financial secretary. Mum Allca O'Reilly. MARRIED IN AIRPLANE Roosevelt Field, Oct. 16.t-M1ss Helen of Bar Harbor, became the bride of Gustavo S. De Bustamante of Havana, Cuba, yesterday afternoon while in an airplane flying over New York City.

The plane is owned by the bridegroom. The Rev. Carl C. Underhill, pastor of the Mlneola Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony. The witnesses were Henry W.

Ramsdell, brother of the bride, of Port Washington, who was the pilot, and C. D. Boyer of Flushing, a business associate of the bridegroom. The couple said the ceremony was performed in the air due to their "interests In flying." i 50 Court which adoptad a resolution endoralnx the candidacy of. Gov.

Landon for President Howard Gutmen, executive chairman of the leatTue, states that it has membership in every State of the Union. He says "the record of the New Deal has been replete with flagrant disregard not only for our Constitution but for the Supreme Court of the land, which by Its Interpretation of that Constitution has necessarily opposed many of the acts the present Administration," Contained in the Landon resolution of endorsem*nt was this paragraph which the League emphasized: "The disregard of the present Administration for the Constitution and for the Supreme Court of these United States makes it impossible for any lawyer to do otherwise than support Landon." HERE'S WHERE AVE GIVE THE POOR PRESS AGENT DIE Final arrangements are about completed for the third annual ball of the Italian-American Democratic Club of Fort Hamilton, to be held Saturday, Oct. 24, at Columbus Council, K. of 1 Prospect Park West Vincent Damianl, chairman of the ball, and his various committees have been working tirelessly to put the affair over in a big way. The headquarters of the club at S812 Fourth ave.

has been a veritable hive of activity during the past month. Boosters have been rolling in in good shape, according to Chief Booster Frank Ceramella, 'while Francis Crifasi reports that the continued heavy demand for tickets may necessitate the early closing of the doors of the council on the night of the affair. The Journal, under the supervision of Vincent Losquadro, promises to outdo all previous efforts In, this direction. And we might add to the above notice from the club that Publicity Director Joseph A. D' Andrea has been well on the Job.

SIXXOTT SPELLBINDERS AVILL MAKE WELKIN RING Daniel Special Assistant to the U. S. Attorney General will again head the Speakers1! Bureau of the 22d A. D. Democratic Club of Kings County, of which Francis J.

Sinnott is leader. Mr. Gutman has been chairman of the bureau since 1929. The committee today." The action was unan imous. The meeting also passed a reso lution urging the selection of George Groen, executive member.

Dy the Democratic leader of the Second A. D. "as the next Alder man of the district, after the expiration of the present Aldermanlc term." Plans were laid for a large mass meeting in, Brighton Beach under the auspices ol the cjup for the re election of President Roosevelt. The meeting was presided over by I. J.

Epstein and George Miller. Boro Students At Traphagen School Brooklyn students registered for the fall term at he Traphagen School of Fashion were announced today as follows: Ruth Benjamin, 38 Tehama Virginia Burbank, 18 Grace ct. Betty Smith, 78:) Rugby Mildred. T. Turrell, 120 Willow Kmmeen Agnesa, of 04 Ten Kyck Audrey A.

Anderaon, Fourth ave. and Senator St. Allca Lecky, 4604 11th Ernestine Folf, 1275 East 23d Laura Perlman, of 1648 Kimball Pearl Qulllln, 18 East 21st Selma NEW INVENTION AMAZES DEAF Eliminates Guess Work A new device Tru tonometer recently perfected Is proving of great benefit to the deafened In enabling them to be fitted and tested under precise scientific principles. Tru tonometer insures accuracy In determining whether the principle of vibration of the mastoid bone, commonly termed bone conduction. Is preferable In any particular cane to that of air conduction.

More than 288 different combinations of tone amplification are possible through Tru tonometer, resulting in a definite final readlog which determines the proper Instrument to be used In relieving the deafened person. Amonp the many different methods available are: The Wristfone A hearing aid worn as a wrlstwatch. The Bonefone Enabling you to hear through the mastoid bones with nothing in or on the far. Supertone (Radio Type) Filtered Sound bringing you clear, unuistorted neanng. Tiny Tim The only complete instrument ever offered for In' all 85 different types, moderately priced.

Time payment if desired, liberal allowance on your old Instrument. For a limited time free TrutonomeWr tests are being made by qualified ac- coustlcat experts to any deafened people who may desire to call at the laboratories of Trutonophone, Incorporated, located at 101 Fifth Avenue, near 18th New York City. Als in Brooklyn, at Ioeser de-nartment store in 'the ODttcal section. Advertisem*nt paten orators. An Intensive speaking campaign is planned, with ral lies under the auspices of numerous local organisations during the two weeks preceding the election.

Among the members of the speakers bureau are: Simon Llebowlts, Irving Zimmerman, Simon H. Trevas, Benedict C. Hoyman, David Levlne, Meyer Schwartz, Irving Wald, Joseph R. Klsdeil, George Hacher, Reuben Blank, Charles Max, Milton Ilerger, tieorge Koasoy. Nat Math, Nathan Trach-tenberg.

Wllllain Grad, Alexander Schwarts, Charlea Moed, M. Samuel Lane, Stanley Buchabauin. Emll H. K. Rosenberg, Abraham M.

Newlrth, Joseph Sllber, Irving Goldman, Reuben Kastenbaum, Alfred 8. Perlstein, Max H. Rose, Frederick W. Bveraley, Warden Hayes and David Schlosaberg. CASEY'S GREENPOINT BOYS READY FOR THEIR SHINDIG Although enough borough and local political celebrities to a convention have been invited to attend the reunion ball of the Green-point Boys Association Saturday, Oct 17, in Lexington Council Audi torium, Meserole ave.

and Lorimer st, James T. Casey, executive member, declares the affair will be purely social, unless, of course, the guests confine their politics to the tables. "Jimmy" Casey has succeeded in pleasing the youthful Greenpolnt element with the announcement that Sandy Schell's Steeplechase Red Jackets will provide dance mu-sio with the result that attendance pledges from almost every Green-point club have been made to Casey by their representatives. GEORGE GREF.X DEMOCRATS XI RN SMITH PIX TO AVALL The first fall meeting of the George Green Democratic Club at 306 Brighton ove. saw a large at tendance eager to resume political activities.

Mr. Green welcomed the membership and stated that the meetings would -be held every Tuesday evening. He stated that the Cherokee Democratic Club and the George Green Democratic Club were affiliated, politically. A resolution endorsing the- reelection of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gov.

Herbert H. Lehman and the entire ticket was unanimously Then came a resolution that the picture of Alfred K. Smith, on the wall ot the elubhouse.ybe turned with its face to the walJT Mr. Smith was condemned for his attacks on the President and "because of his ingratitude to the Democratic TO THE ASH HEAP, SLOGAN IF GORIX GETS HIS WAY We know that sooner or later someorre would rise up in vigorous protest against these "Linger With Landon" and "Roost With Roosevelt." Well, not those two, exactly, because we just made them up as examples, but the only reason you haven't seen them on highly colored pamphlets is none of the bright, young men and women attached to national campaign headquarters happened to think of them. Too tripe, mahap, but not unlike the rest of the tripe handed out Now, In the American Magazine, out yesterday, we find Lewis J.

Gorin, organizer and national commander of the 100.000 youthful Veterans of Future Wars crying out that'both Democrats and Republicans are cloaking their true alms in a cloud of slogans and catchwords." Remember young Mr. GorlnT The boys at Princeton University, who stirred up people with that organization of his, which was thought to be a Joke and gained the wrath of Legionnaires and V. F. Same young gentleman, only he now is studying law at Harvard, having been graduated from Princeton last June. Mr.

Gorin la his American Magazine article says the older parties are giving theg oters nothing more than "a brass and, a banner and pap." He says that if those parties havo more to give than the bun combe the young voters will swing either to Communism or Fascism." He indicates that the magazine has the right idea that the youth of the country, If united, could decide the election, but that this "merely gives his group a choice of evils." He expresses thls-to-us-forelorn hope: "Meanwhile, I am casting my first confident that I shall live to participate in political campaigns fought with facts rather than with phrases. STAXDIXG BY CONSTITUTION LOCAL LAWYERS O. K. LAXDO.V Thomas D. Schall, son of the late TJ.

S. Senator from Minnesota, is president of the Lawyers Constitutional League, with local offices at MONS. DAVID 3. HICKEY ST. JOSEPH'S 1940 GETS CAPS TODAY Officers Listed for 3 Classes and Other Units.

The Undergraduate Association of St. Joseph's College for Women, Clinton ave Invests the freshman class in cap and gown today in the auditorium of the college, in the presence of the members of the faculty and the upper classmen. The officers of. the association are Miss Genevieve Wright, president; Miss Betty Humann, vice president; Miss Norma Straus, secretary, and Miss Grace treasurer. Miss Straus announced yesterday the officers of the three upper classes and of the various college organizations for the coming year They are as follows: Senior Class Preealdent, Josephine Hoe-ue: vice president; Yvonne Audloun: secretary, LlP'sn Keenan; treasurer, Isa bel Andersen counsellor, Annette ttobtn-son.

Junior Class President, Celeste Hughes; vice president, Rita McGovern; secretary. inillls isssi annual iiis ii i laiiisiss, mmi ilsmiir lis nsl I I Notables Hail Priest Who Founded St. Francis Xavier Parish 50 Years Ago. 'Men prominent in public life joined with present and" former parishioners of St Francis Xavier Church, Sixth ave. and Carroll at a golden Jubilee dinner last night in the Columbus Council, K.

of C. Clubhouse, 1 Prospect Park West, in honor of Mons. David J. Hickey, vicar general of the Diocese of Brooklyn, who founded the parish half a century ago. Among the guests were 25 members of the St.

Patrick Society of Brooklyn, headed by Its president, Joseph P. Clavin, and James J. O'Connor; Appellate Justices William F. Hagarty and William B. Carswell, Supreme Court Justice and Mrs.

Albert Conway, Mons. F. P. Connelly, Comptroller and Mrs. Frank J.

Taylor, Deputy Comptroller Milton Solomon, State FHA Administrator Thomas G. Grace and Mrs. William H. Good. Brennan and Others Speak Addresses were ma3o by Supreme Court Justice Philip A.

Brennan, toastmaster; the Right Rev. William J. Flynn, director general of the Marquette League; Dr. Paul J. Kennedy, assistant superintendent of schools; Patrick J.

Scanlan, 'editor of The Brooklyn Tablet; the Rev. Dr. John J. Don-Ion, pastor of St. Paul's Church, and Mons.

Hickey. Also on the dais were: The Rev. Thomas Judge, the Rev. Leo J. McAvoy end the Rev.

Peter L. Nolan, curates ot St. Francis Xavier Church, and William J. Ward and Frank A. Dougherty, trustees.

Present also were Mons. John L. Belford. pastor of the Church of the Nativity, Mrs. Philip A.

Brennan, Municipal Court Justices Edward Caasln and Frank H. Parcells, Stephen Callagher. Peter A. Carey, CoL Walter Jeffreys Carlln, member of the Board of Education, and Mrs. Carlln; Mr.

and Mrs. Gardiner Conroy, John J. Porman, Dr. Edwin J. Grace.

James J. Heflernan, Democratic leader ot the 12th A. and Mrs. Heffernan; Col. and Mrs.

A. V. McDermott, Magistrate John D. Mason, Assemblyman Edward 8. Uoran, and Dr.

George J. Ryan, former president of the Board of Education, and Mrs. Ryan. Surrounded by eight children and two grandchildren was Mrs. G.

W. Schmitt, 73, of 421 Sixth who has been a parishioner of St. Francis Xavier Church for 38 years. Paul Martin, organist and choir director of the church, directed individual and group singing. "Great Priest and Citizen" "Mons.

Hickey is a great priest, a great American and a great citizen," said Justice Brennan when introducing the first speaker. "Mons. Hickey's services have been rewarded by all three bishops under whom he has served, and if he lives long enough he may yet be elevated to the Cardlnalate," said Father Donlon, whose parish will celebrate its 100th anniversary in January. "We're living in a very Impatient age, a very rapid age 60 miles an "hour without stops," said Mons. Hickey, who will observe the 60th year of his ordination as a priest in February.

"But we must not forget that all the progress and all the improvements we have today have been built upon the past." Ho closed by thanking his many friends, both Catholic and non-Catholic, for their attendance and his parishioners for their "splendid cooperation" In making the parish's 50th anniversary dinner a success. Rising Taxation Hit By Mrs. Kappeyne Increasing taxation under the present Federal and State administrations "is steadily devaluating the dollar," Mrs. Isabel Rhees Kappeyne, president of the New York State Women's Republican Club, told a large and enthusiastic gathering attending a rally last night in the Tenth A. D.

Republican Club, 175 South Oxford st Mrs. Kappeyne, Republican candidate for the Assembly in the Tenth A. was the first of several speakers. Including all the Republican candidate in the district, to be introduced by Mrs. Charles F.

Murphy, borough secretary, to whom Fred M. Ahcrn, leader of the district, turned over the gavel. Among other speakers were: Mrs. Anna M. Dixon, Mr.

Ahern's co-leader; Mrs. Jane Hopkins, president, and Mrs. Catherine B. Pratt, vice president, of the Tenth A. D.

Republican Women's Club; former Assistant United States Attorney Harry Bass and Mrs. Tillie Swenson. Once Deaf Now Helps Others To Hear The prescription of a Vienna ear specialist has been brought to this country by Charles Foucek, a well- known Chicago druggist, who was once deaf but who cleared up his condition through this prescription. Through him thousands of other sufferers have tried this formula and secured amazing relief from head noises, ringing and buzzing in ears, earache, and are now able to hear more distinctly. This prescription, called OURINE, costs only a few cents a day your' money back if not delighted.

Your druggist has OUKINE or will order it for you. Advertisem*nt. RetfJ any statement about Chesterfield cigarettes We tell you what they are made of mild, ripe tobaccos. We tell you that we use on Chesterfield pure cigarette paper. We tell you that Chesterfields are carefully manufactured, We suggest that you try Chesterfields and find out how mild they are and what a pleasing taste and aroma they have.

A great many cigarette smokers will tell you that Chesterfields satisfy give them what they want in a cigarette. Liggett Myers Tobacco Co. HEX? 0 it.UmrtkUm'Ssmmtt.

Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.