The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

THE SYDNEY MORyiNG HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19ZE, 9 Hi Wuellln, Mi Lad BU8HTCS8E8 FOR SALE OS WANTED B0VDnE88K8 JOB 8AIX 0B WASTED SPORTING. g. JaJ. gf BVldgSorti, 8' Kiateri. 8 Master Nagar, 8 V.U.r.arlouV 6 Mli KUw (tobbu, "aarcon, 8i Lad" Kin, 8 Amlenf.

Pi kere, Til. Tip, Lord Btio, 8 Aw.II. alls. Jullen, 8. DL' Hhlpley, -3; Melissa.

8-U: Kins' Pin. 8-a; Wvnni. I tthlttiiii, ther, Marragin, HUi'shlu. Up, 'm'i 'Dora Mot," ri-K Hi Tar Creen, 82; Blatnlala, miiui, 'Irudesinso, 8-3: Wild Kea- Jledbank, 8-1; lllrnnui, i Master' lla, 8-1; (ioldeu yimron, 8-1; 81: Wlcklow Handicap, lMl My N.noy, io-7 Ortan, in, EulaliL, 8-4 Kredaflald Black Fanny, 7-8; Ceearioiillke. 7 7 Boitta, 7-7 mruueut, ine Btranger, 7-fi; Batta Batta.

7-fl: Laat Word, 7 Jo Ami, 7-5 Eight HourerVo; Bed Trl- num. uaroe, 7-U Itoyal HuDy, Halt Bloom, 7-8i Day, 7-3 Eulmora, Slvr j.a Flying Handicap, Wh tton D-f. Euchulla, 2 Vincat, w. Persian Plume. 7.M; 'TunAiro Mil Brusslloff, 7-10: Willi.

8., 7-10; Phyllis May, 7-W; Lord BIno, 7-0; Llndaay, 7-9; Cayuw, .9 Ford Shop, 7-8; oir 7-8; ilurry On, 7-8; Candy Kid. 7-9: 7. Meia ijt KenbVtan, 7-7 keree. 7-il: Mon Unn. T.a ir i THE TWftF.

4iw.irM ere tin" ol 1 to day forth. Hiauhlll been Hunt In tne fourteen nanuicap, r.uniirti Sunt division ol the Maiden Handicap, and Mercla'j gTuHner the Joorteen'one I an, leap. Ihe hlller awl led vuen leu Handicap, and the itcwanb reported that the mishap. mi.ueiunou m- "The ebertnut marc Mamie Trleze, bad mi up.

irt at M.n..m ion Tuesday lor the Novice Handicap, Kl carried 8-S, ha been nominated tor the Glelilnne. tlna, which comment, on November It. (the lm In the Opening Handicap. and 8 4 In ti fovemViei Handicap, If. i uwn a v.H aujo-- Ul, Wmdlawn, winner of the Uueeniland Derby and VICTORIA PATiK RACI.N" It wti pleasant at Victoria Park At.

I A n. a I. nnn.i nn.l nn. Vk: ES. Th.

favourite. Promiaed w-on th. P.A mdicap. (iood Dunine wan recorded nv the total- i i j- i.

i Jv to ral nioni'y privately to rftlno. the Mebtl- TZ Incurred In carrying out Improve I appealed laat night lor the a.iiount, wl.lcn Wla ctlcallr In Hi. rrn on debenture. Three top tulghl.

at Victoria i'ark yesterday- Tl iockev, continue, to rid. geed lonn in (Jueensland. Vesterday he rode Snner. of the last two race, at th. O.T.tJ.

meeting; 1 iTwiacre going out at 10 to and who iaVi odSa cS favourite for tbe Birthday Handicap. Imported ruke Humphrey wa, repreneuled at the ft meeting by two winner. In Lochlel Dhu, whole B.ffi.-l.or,l PoSe and Bev, atarted In i Handicap at Menangle, each at 10 8 NO CLUB. wher. 1 a ran? in.

tSSISSUJI uthonV'pl ceEddT Mi theUSV fUJl 6lf -lyi. n. K. 8-7- Ale 8 2- 'fc Lenllaa Pe Smv 7 10 V. iIL.ti.J? ufV 71.J JU- rfl "iS, jHunlet' 'JA' JKSJSS' 'l D'y.

Malt Bern, 7 lady' Ator. 7-8: Pu- 'ilaliar (lato Flying Duke)', 7-li; Odd-veslerdav A'T 7'3i T-3: Wbela, 7-3; 1 IUnIKVIH, HuM, bv Amherst aced, 10 fj. Uason), numlrfiw' KnJn ret's 22J It Blanch Mirnw, tv (K. Donoliue). 2: Kinff Bruce 7 T6! James), 3.

UtWr atartm: Rulaheaa. Felicia firS luih Toy, L'mlefthoot, Merry Kinir. Kdward Little jrMUoat 7'5f ABlItJt- 7'5 Bunda, four O'clock, Kitty Moore, Swirl, Little Beau, vZ'1 J'6 ThemZ Dinty, Zyfancy, Fairy Oniden. Preuloua hyASJi Ki. Acatlemy.

Beitinff: Kinanees, 4 uuBn Toy. 5 Blanche Mimer, fl Queen Htmt. UnderKlioot, 20 Kinff Bn.ce and others. InvMtmenti: Part.iock, divn. (for 10), 17, und 39.

Leffer, 47910 1., und iUJW. Leffer, 7910 Hn. lor oi), ju'o, 01, ann tiiL-'o. won oy nail a lurth, tbree-iunrters second nn1 third. Time, 6 Us.

U'aJdto Handicap of 2u0, First division: Btonian, by Eaton Lad fimp.) Neith, 6y, 8-10 (A. Stanton), Quondola, 7-10 (D, Haxton), Padalpin, MO fW. 3. Other starters: Henrv Irvinir. Iin(t Pin, The Killer, Red Vixen, Prince Lanarkite, i Plimkdl Kflsmlo.

Avmer. Onllar Rand. ivlrv- BVhbar, Nubibus, Navicutor, Fedora, Mon Mary. Bet-ting: 6i Etonian, 3 The Killer, 6 Padalpin, 7 Quon-ioU, 10 to 20 others. Paddock: 71610; BtJ, 17, and 10.

lner, 4fiO16j 10fl. It, and 6tJ, Won by four lengths; length necona and tbird. Time, lm HOs. Red Vixen and The SHIM fell. Sfcond Division.

Vitreous, by Featn prut itch (Imp.) 0iidian, 4y, 7-12 (II. Kedbank, 7-10 (S. Kearey), Monamta, 8, inc. 2 over (A. Brown), 3.

Other ttartrrs: Baby Clare, Golden La-sa, Ettrick, Malt Jack, Vellchfiarious, Warnwal, Coreena, Galmafrne, Demon Hive, Joyful. Ornnius, Miss Paddv McCarthy. Demos. Cosy live. Bettiint: Eren Monanna, 4 Redhank, 0-2 Golden Lam, 12 Vitreous, and 7.

Uffrr, W8; l'l, 116, and" 1 16. Won by a neck, half length tecond and tliird. I Timt, lm oils. rlviTJir Hainiii-aD of 2.V) sovs. Of.

irat uirtuon. Earl LWilell, lv bjrli-ton fiutp.j Uawn. 7-12 (H. Cook), All Hume, 3-7 (J. Varley), Miffl Valldo, 7-10 (H.

iHfed), .1. Utner bUrfnt: hunonif, r.dutaiion, Youen- 'dih. Sirinn, Private Tuncurry, Brussiloff, Mf Bobhy, Millie I.imlsay, Lord Kino, ford bhop, Jim I SIm'i JvlnS T'aii i Jliss taii'Ki, iv i I'Lin-in. 1 ti.niui.-ft, I.4W-IV, oi.b., 1 I-ecrr. Uifi 7'6.

and 21, 0. Won by half a length, length ud half te.ond and tliird. Time, lm 15Js. I KM Aymer, all. 7, car.

hail uSZt 7-3 (A. JoriM), '1; Mintresii Hiddy, 7-10 (J. Varley), 3. 1 The c.vcllts sclecte.1 arc: O. Thurstield CTranRvnall Other Soinerupt, Hlxpann.

Blark Chief, Bonne and H. Kaltenbmn (Transvaal). Affile, Wingell, Beilincton, Dmll, FrinffUIa, The team is considered one of the strongest athletlo Miss Idd'r, jtdy Hroiixino, Eubre, Felix cycling comldnations that has ever represented JjnrcHaie, ftimulation. 2 Lord South Africa. Four members tbe team have won Albion.

tV2 fl KiFpano, 8 Mistress 20 their Springbok colours. Eluie Aymer. 1) to 20 others. Paddock, EIjECTRIO TIGHT SPORTS BUSINESSES FOE SALE 0E WANTED 77iDII Dl' rta-. 2H3 IMHTLKlilvAGll.ST, VT opp.

MARK FOY''l pp. MARK FOY'S. liitabllshed 15 Years. nnu ui.i.r nnu i'iivt. iniyji.n, UUW H(11, vriui first-clsas rMidence of 6 rooms, in select Northern Suburb, with lease on fair rental.

TRADE OVER 10 WEEK, AND HIGHEST PRICKS OBTAINED. Plant Includes Berkel meat cutter, cash register, barrel Kales, tce-house, gas stove, and copper, TIUH SHOULD SELL READILY AT 426. LAND iND ESTATE AGENCY. A very old-Mtab. Buslnees, is good position of progressive suburb, nice office, fully frunished, Including Remington typewriter, ohairs, msim, and splendid list of properties.


LADIES' DRAPERY and LINGERIE. This ehop Is In very prominent pomttnn on easy rent. PROFITS ARK EASILY 10 WEEK CLEAR. Plant Is very daluty, and stork Is erpcclslly neat and well SIUTABJ2 BUSINESS FOR REFINED PEOPLE. 260.


Tip-top plant, In-including horse, cart, and harness, Dayton scales, showcaaes, bacon-cutter, Ice chest, and good, clean, well-bought stock. a good yard for poultry and garden. AT VALUATION. FULL PRICE, ABOUT We Finance Quietly and Promptly. OOBMLEY and 253 Castlereaghnit Cltv lias.


HOTELS, IN ALL PARTS OF CITY, AT ALL PRICES. HOTELS, IN NEARLY ALL SUniJRBS, riOTELS IN ALL COUNTRY DISTRICTS. and In RLY ALL TOWNS, at prices ranging from COURTESY AND ATTENTION extended to all patrons. BUBOES and RYAN, I) MARTIN-PLACE. AND I10TEI, BHOKimS, falmoutii-oiiamdeiis, 117 piit-stheet.

HOTEL, CITY, 300. woHttonea building, Hret class condition, on prominent corner in busy thoroughfare. Furniture ol me nest, and almost new. Her trade 10 27's weekly. Takings (all bar) 115.

Lease 4j years 3000. orewcra property, no loan, situated In one of Sydney a busiest streets, up-to-date 2-storied brick building, 20 rooms, well furnisehd, which more than pays the rent, and a splendid opening for UmKA 8 ytaI: bilp taklnsi H- i.icenso Itediiction uj uranueui ror issi year 105. Full price, HOTEL. COUNTRY. nomc Tills Hotel Is situated In one of the safest farming and grazing districts of New South Wales, and wo can arrange possession to a good man with 1500 a loan or 1500 from uiewer.

a irertn lease of 10 years; rent 7. Ttik- fc.v. TTT.T.H, anil can De vastlv tninroveit NOTE THE CASH REQUIRED 1600. Rinnv nnrl unniri- ftQ- larBe modern iJiopriacelTc'lit uweuing, stattles, cash Dayton scabs, hone and cart. TAKINGS 35 wkly.

No nil" lS FR Elite suburb, splendid 1 0 rituru ur 121,1 present, and INCREASING dally. Soda rcgisucr, uayton scales, m.t. tublrs. T-ivvk' caih TRIAL KKFItESIIMKNTS. D.F.

Shon, with suburb. CLEARING TWELVE In mn PROF GIVEN. Modern plant uulv ccjjcm i-uupie. ieu. CONFEI-TIONERY DRINIiS.

Fin. shop, nice dwelling, in' e'eclric fan, counter, 1LttllLOlF. uiuiisi. t'liaire. A HAM and BEEF.

Large exceptionally clean shon. ami i.imi. duuuid, iartr nacon-, njuuuejit, juyion computing bhuIps, aa wit t'f possibilities. ONLY IM. .1 D.F.

Bliop, il WEEKLY. National cash rcKifiter. 6 aliow cb, 8 mirrors, lolly jam, 2 nets Kcaleu, iccclient, 157 KING-STREET. "I OlIN I). MAIER, HOTEL BROKKlt.

76 Pirf-Sf. MM). CITY HOTEL 4fi00. Trade, 49 SG'b. Takingit week endlnff fith November, ALL BAR TRADE.

WELL FURNISHED and UP-TO-DATE FITTINGS. Serious illneas of licensee only cause for Belling. '2750. CITY HOTEL. 2750.

LEASE 6 YEARS. Trade ti ai's. Takinffa 170. Sole Agent, JOHN MAIER, 70 Pltt-Btreet (intc Jiartei'Hj. BILLIARD SALOON, 3 tables, H.

and snooker sets. Dig-profits, dwelling, 8 rooma, pays lent, lease ycit i a. -j0, lenna. JOHN l. MAIKH, JO Pitt-st.

ON THE MARKET CONFECTIONERY, Soda Fountain, 5 rooms, winter takings -')5, big increase Bummer, leaae, 476, terms. J. D. MAIER, 76 Pitt-street. CONFECTIONERY, and Tea Booms, Beat 76, takings 90 Rase, I-0.

tms. J. D. Maier, 76 Pitt-t KESTAURANT, heart of city, lease, dwelling, clears gweek, gift, 1M). J.

D. Malcr, 70 Pilt-st. VTO RENT. Lets oif pay" It, Grocery, run down, i-N don't miw D. Maier.76 Pitt-st.

EWS AGENCY, with property railway trade W) weekbr, 1700. Needham, 31 TTlISH and CHIPS, good residence, rent 30, lease, profits 7 weekly, S0, including furniture, bargain. NEEDHAM -street GROCERY 'and" MIXED, shop, 6 rent' 36, let-off 12. profit 4, large stock, scales, all fittings and funHture, 100. NEEl)HAMand CO.

near railway, 12 always full, 250, balfcasli. Needham and 31 Eli2uleth-su liJlLK RUN, 42 ''gallons, with good residence and li stables, tip-top turnout, run growing every duy, 350, Bargain. NEEDHAM and CO. GROCERY and MIXED, run 'down, rent 176, good living, fi0. Needham and 81 EA ROOMS, fashionable seaside resort, taks.

50, average, large Boua lountaui, cJaoorate nttings, m.t, tables, jUfiU. NEEDHAM and 31 Eliz. st. ESI DENTIAL We" tiave 350, easy terms. MIXED BUSINESSKS, over 100, froin 85; Boarding, Residential Draper'.

Tailoring, big list GENERAL FINANCE Station RawBon-pIace. L1DOOMBK Beautiful HOME, 4 r.4 garden, large close railway, tib5, terms, 110 deposit; Furniture optional, for Sale, terms arranged. EN ERA FINANCE, Station House. ce-. MOORE PARK.

Nice Home, optTbuy cheap L1DCOMBE. Lovely Home, 80, opt. e. Una. CITY.

Residential, as going concern, cheap. uknkiial rijNATifJK. station House, nawson-piape, TAltGAINS TO DAY. DON'T MISS THEM. RESL DENTIAL, city 125; 2 at 250.

Boarding-bouses, 1 at 00, another 350. TERMS. GENERAL ion House, Haftnon place. RESIDENTIALS, 55, 75, 100, 150, 200. MIXED BUSINESSES, -t45, 55, 60, 75, 100.

BOARDING-HOUSES, 195, 210, 250, 300. GENERAL Fl WAiscis; station uouse, Kawson-piace. QECOND-HAND BUSINESSES, 150, 250. ilKAl'EKt onlv 75. RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS.

00 r. 850. 22 T. 375. GENERAL FINANCE, Station House, Hawson-placo.

tONFECTIONERY, main road, busy part, opp. pic-tiires, splendid fittings, marble fountain, cash register, Dayton staler), 050, terms. GROCERY, comer West. good cash trade 50 heavily stocked, 185, terms. GROCERY, nice clean stock, trade 85, well stocked, suit beginner.

Snap, 200, terms. MIXED, East. 5 rent 276, trade 20, run down, could easy Increase. 110. Terms.

MIXED, main road, 5 rooms, stable, trade 15, nicely fitted, well stocked, 80, terms. 0. BENNETT, 61 Market-st, next to Fay's. 'Ph. 1207.

AN OPPORTUNITY presents Itself to acquire Premises where an old-established Retail Boot and Shoe Business has been for many years, and ia still being carried on. Situated on the PARRAMATTA-ROAD, ANNANDALE, close to the Johnston-street Tram Section, and commands one of the fluet business positions ln this great thoroughfare. Particulars and terms of lease of the premises, which are most up-to-date, well lighted, and very commodious, with mod ern ironu, ana oil necessary wungi, can oe ootaineo from D. and W. BAINES, sSOA PARRAMATTA-ROAD, PETERSHAM.

RESIDENTIAL, spl. poa. city, opp. park, 11 always full, low rent, clr. about.

7 wk. Owner going on land. Sacrifice 135. HAntDRESSING and TOB. spl.

city position, gd. low rent, lease, profits guar. 10 wk. clear, 500. Inc.

stock. P. J. BASTION, 60 Castlereagh -street (near King street). COOGEE.

COOGEE. Superior Residential In an elevated position, near beach, 12 rooms, furn. mbalon and oak, axmlnster carpets, phone, sleeping out front and back lawns. Rent only 310, lease 6 400 or oiTer. Don't miss this bargain.

KENNY 201 Victoria-street, Darllnghurst 'Phone, 407 Wm. rYARAOB and GOOD PRIVATE HIRE OONNEO va HON, main city street, latest machinery. Ac MmmndaKon ton cars. BARGAIN. No.

2552, Herald. TTIGI1 CLASS TOBACCONIST and HAIR DRESSING XX BUSINESS. Best position, leading town, Western Suburb, 111 health sole reason for sell ing. Particulars to bona-flde buyers from STANTON and SON, Burwood Branch; U4775. or Pitt-street, city, KATOOMBA.

OltTestab. Boarding House, fully ftifT, 7 bedrooms, dining-room, kitchen, all near station. Walk In walk out, 560. Apply rHusruK, f.u, Katoomna, ROFITABLE DAIRY and CARRYING BUSINESS, Blue Mountains, 11 cows, bull, 6 horses, carts, van, dairy utensils, S-acres Freehold. PRICE, 680.

SLACK and Estate Agents, Psrrsmatta. RESIDENTIAL, at Annandsle, nearlram, 7 rooms, rent 270 p.w. Beautifully furn. in oak, shows 420 p.w. over rent.

PRICE, 275, terms. CHEERS and BENSON, 107 Castlereagh-at. City 048. 110 MINING MEN and OTHERS. For I.caso, together with complete plant, very nmmiritntr dhow.

Present owner cannot develon. For full parUculars J-ppty C'reagh-Btreet. X4IOK SALE, Dressmaking, Millinery, and HemsUtchinf X7 Business, main at, good itock and 8 WLtUW jwiicr. Kiwi uuvu rnn busYness. Mm WlIITK, JThe Strand, Croydon.

residence. Good opening any TESIDENTIAL, Moore XV 230; 12 Park. 12 rmiT. nraflt 4 aaUw WK11 KXOUi jruui3 I6ZOU. Buyers financed, Watson, 145 Albion st, next hospital "A 60, Fish and Chip Business, busy suburb, all aaV-j- tunas, dir dtcqis.

a Fscnnce. rin, JONSEN, and JONSEN, 14 OasUerfa*gh st, city. p-SODUCEiFUEL, bibrr tnmfrb, owrfrr giving tip DUSinnw, aHcrinoinK, invnuipiiiua lit hiiywa only. BARGAIN, P.O.t EnmoTe, Sa1t7lll7 Ellsabeth rt, Waterloo. n.vlted, genuine BUSINESSES FOB SALE 0E WASTED EUjBMore, Ei.i.saionB, 117 PrrT STnEET.

FAIJIOUTHJOHAiniKllS. (Basetiient, street entrance). OONFECfnONERV and CAKE, SHOWS 8 WEEKLY ur ALU r.AI-K.HI'A. Ar THIAl, KEItED TO PltUVE UKNDINE. Fair rent, on 3 YEAIIS- BEST LOCATION.

Modern si, 3p anil FiHHT.HATE HEHIDKNCE. Uayt. scales, lea chest, showcases, 6 ouk tables, chairs, lollr Jsrs. Stock lnclwled. HUMMER TBADE WllA UHEATLY 1NUHEA8K TUAUE.


InK. Block aiul plant at val. Price about 400. FRUIT anil position Is tile BfOT. Ukei week; urol, 12 CLEAR, vrtll UOUHLK ln Kummer.

Modern simp and residence. A REAL BARGAIN. 216. HAM and BEEP. Owner Is slncrie man, and must sell.

"I LL VALUE IN Take. 35. Shop only onen part of day. Profits 5. ANY TRIAL tllvh.N.

Modern shop, good residence, fltting-i, Dayton scales, meat-cutter, ice chamber, iras stove, safes, tables, cbalra, mirrors, showcases; 20 to stock Included. IN SUITABLE HANDS 260 CAN BE MADE ON RESALE. PRICE, 280. WINE SALOON and RESIDENTIAL, TAKINGS tvr.r.i., WEEK, 40 rooms house. ALWAYS FULL.


HOTEL, SOUTflEliN LINE. ONLY ONE OTHER HOTEL rN TT1H Tnvni i t'o-stonv brick bulldins, well furnished, includiiiir piano and billiard-room, fciks. fi5 per week, teood lea.e. rent 410, cash 850, ju.t suit beginners. KELLY snd FULLER, Rellnbl.

llnt.t RrnLArfl rnune, niu. 28 Martin -place. TTOTEL. SOUTHERS T.rNr -a-L Situated in out, of the best Country Towns of Au. tralla.

never affected hv rirnn.1,,. 4.. i 0M m08t uP-to-date and modejn known to us. IjikiiiKu average Boo per month, which can be substantiated by public accountunts, and also breweries. Cash required, 2500.

SOLE AGENTS. KEUY and FUIJ.UR, Reliable Hotel 'Phone. BS163. 28 Slartln-nlaee. Leaua 61 rent final xmn i proof, OJ 18, at Tooth's Brewery.

Beautifully furn tine climate. Canh 1800. Ilanrly Kydnev: KELLY anil FULLER, Reliable Hotel Phone, Bai63. 28 Martin-olace. TTOTEL, NEWCASTLE.

Lease 6 rent 310, br 6 27, takincB First to inspect sure buyer. KELLY and FULLER, Reliable Hotel Broken, Phone, E3153. 28 Martin-olar. TTOTEL, SUBURBAN, fJ- Lease 4 years, rent 5, beer 61 80. takinirs 120 nicely furnished, on recently ronnvntoil

KELLY and FULLER, Reliable Hotel Brokcm, Phone, B3153. 28 Martin-place, HOTEL, CITV; Lease 7 years, rent 10. nor nolr. Wi. in proof at TOOTH'S BREWERY, beautiful liv cor- KELLY and FULLER, Reliable Hotel Phone.

B3153. 28 Martin-place. HOTELS. HOTELS. "ivLiAuuij mrunaiA hum UMIji UIV E1N.

ROTEL. CITY. 2500 Situated right in HEART OF CITY, on BUSIEST THOROUGHFARE. House in FIRST-CLASS ORDER TWO FINE BARS, good lease at VERY LOW U1NTAJi'r. TjiUn 1(J0 weekly, on exceptionally GOOD CLASS OF TRADE, which is uaui.

utnuiivK kkasoas lor selling, HOTEL, SOUTHERN LINE, 1400 CASH. wo-Htory BRICK BUILDING, with all POSSIBLE including and C. water, and patent lighting plant. PRACTICALLY NO OPPOSITION. LEASE 4J years.


CASH 1000. Lease 3 years, rental 35, tnkings alwaya exceed j0 weekly, best clans of trade, no forL-ed trade, no after-hours. This biiBincea must Improve ln MURRELL and 79 PITT -STREET, First Floor, NOTED FOR RELIABLE INFOKMATIOM Ti 2nd flwMtakenftT. PROUD'S, JEWELLERS. 'Phone.

4.144. ncoiur.iiAlj, Uity, near Botanic Gardens. 14 rmmi wjleiididly furnished, very clean, elctrie light, 4:10 weok orer 7f. RESIDENTIAL, Ullson's Point, near ferry, 10 rooms, clears A week. Gift.

210. wAPwnuAMir, urinks, takings 25 week. Rent J0. hnop, 5 roouiH, leajse 8 years. 250 NEWS AGENCY.

Stationery, excellent suburb, 12.000 pPers wk. heav. sound invest, uUo 1 Kem'- -laKings 50 week. aiicnnce to-aay. KiSbo.

Rent 2. 1 SU boer weok. TnlH. i-vjr. Clean, well furnished, unopposed corner, will show Ali uar trade.

Uarguln. HOTEL. 1700. Cuuntrv. Lea 7A.

rent en .19 Takings 00. Right opposite Railway and gooda JOSEPH and 136 PITT-STREET, ''''001118 rlW Uf WELLERg. HIGSON, HOTEL BROliER, H. HIGSON, 6 PITT-STREET. First Flonp.

tfi PlfLrf HOTEL. COUNTRY. Have just been instructed to sell one of the best ProtlQSitioilS we have ever hnndlprl mnia aU beautituly furnished, which is insured for 2400. This jiuuwj ia biluuluu in uic ucst poruon 01 tne town, surrounded by banks, post-oltice, all leading agents, commercial chambers, and big stores; lease 51 it-ears with option of further 5. RENT, WITH LET-OFF 76 PER WEEK, AVERAGE TAKINGS FOR 12 MTHS.

200 WEEK, MOSTLY ALL BAR TRADE. WE MAY ALSO MENTION THAT 4 HOTELS ARE TO HE uu.hju nauuinufl buauu, wnicn should increase the trade of this place another 70 per week. HOTEL. SOUTH COAST. 50 miles from Sydney, two-storied brick building, mc-eiy lurnisnea, clean little business, very easy to nin, lease 2t years, with option of another 10 yean.

100 per year. Rent 25 per week. Takings CASH PRICE, 900, OR NEAR OFFER. t-TEERGUSON -a-1 72A AND Pl'lVDVUD PITT-STHRFT a a country. See tills for a Bargain, Just ad- uui uu Been 111 our omce to-morrow, 13 dock.

Long lease, reasonable rnt takings 2W weekly. A buyer with 2000 can cuity uitiutnce irom cvaney, HOTELS, from 600, all towns, also cheap City Pro- FLATS and RESrDENTIALS, city and suburban propositions, from 300 to 1500, all with long leases oiiuwiiig Kuou returns. XXOME, ROOMS XJ- hlr handy city, 05. Hart. 1 "IJESUL, picked Darllnghurst, furaisheaPmia.

Bion. 1 UKUUEKY, MIXED trade 45, furn. Included, 250. Hart, 1 Elbc-st! main "street, njeely fitted, 6 food NEWS AGENCY, STATION I5RY, BUSIErnCENTHK. attractive si ion.

armil Httirxra. Uuv 20,000 papers, atock about 500, easily managed. Kent 215, lease. This Is absolutely one of the best uuvrii.K, Mm mivw pious 01 iwu a year. Will stand uy lu.nLiMituui:,.

wAii-a aim Lostlereagh-Btreet PI 1303. GROCER, D.F. Shop, with 6 kit, end Btable, lg. e. 1., tel, ice chest, DavU etc.

Casli counter trade 40, rent 2, Price 3(H). This business has been in same hands 10 First to win duy. riflAfiiip, MutiUlC, COATES and 14 co*ktlereagh-Btreet 11803. and Mixed, shop and 4 mil. M.

tOV, BIOCK guar. 120, gd. plant and gd. bus. centre.

Pr. 176 GROCERY and MIXED, nice bk. Bhop, 8 e. 1., stable, nice lawns, choice ir. -wu, hco*ck ant.

auv, exp. plant and fltts. Can rec. at 320. WE DO FINANCE QUICKLY.

ruuu uim uui.uwjui. gu. snop una kit. rent 20. lease, trade 30.

mn itnvn casli D-iytoii scales, counter and fittings right nuiwuj- Bwiuuii diuuu nuuuru, rnce tilW. COATES and CO. 14 CuKttereagh Btreet 11303. DARLING HURST. An ideal Resid.

Home, breathing an air of refinement, oak-maple linen, absol. new. Suit anyone wanting superior rent-free proposl- nuu, iu viiiuii iiiuuuic, run vuiue, REAY and 122 Darllnghunit-road, TANDWICK. A superior RESIDENTIAL, 7 iiuu wen eiwj. gus lawns, urp.

fowls. A nice home for 105. REAY and 122 Darlimrhurst-mnd or 205 Avoca-at, Handwlck, opp. Honpital Grounds; "lOOD PICTURE SHOWS FOR SALE, VT BETTS AND PORTUS (Picture Show Experts), 228 Pftt-itreet (N.S.W. Ffd.

Showmen's Picture Theatres for mile, country or nhowinir srd. results and offering excellent pomibilities for the right men. Particulars given to principals only where bona titles can be mown, TJE8IDBNTIAL, heart city, nice house, 12 lg. wen spi. clears iw over rent, uacri' fice 210.

Oavanaght 20O EHralieth st (nr. Kov's). uitf.wsjNU, main city, ahop, fi r. lense. tent 4, sal.

12, shop 86. stock. 250. wen mica, ioc w. uivansan, am iizanetn-st.

ZIOOD LIVING. CHOICE- HOME. Grocery nn.l MIyaH VT no opposition, good 2-story residence and grounds, wiui oiiup, viuiw iimiiji iwver. otra hub DargBUl. E.

and II. M'OAUSLAND, Sole Agents, ityue, opp. Town nan. thkc tram. lovely 6 rent 270, .100.

Residential, 7 well rent 820, 220. Residential, fi kit, fully rent 26, 210. Burgess, Savings Bourke-st, Darllnghurst. CONFECTIONERY and SOFT DRINKS, attract, shop, gd. bus.

run down, great opp. live couple, stock, niuij, eia. wai in wain a no, ucue rent low. Cf, H. 0.

Seton, Marrickville station, TROOERY.MIXED, taks. 60, J.iVlhop, Ige. VX Btahles, rent SO, goodwill, plant, fittings, 120, stock abt 200, at val. Crane, 24 Burnett -a Wav. OOGElReMdentlal, I min.

to tram and 'beach, 7 din. -room, breakfast, 2 kitchenettes, long lease, ctou. airs. nAitaun, im rooms, 2 Ige, single alf benu, lease rem do, price giuo: pargain, reterBnam FRENCH STEAM LAUNDRY, flrst-clnss machinery, big trade, profits 12 long lease, rent 26, 000. Burgess, Savings Bourke-st, 'hurst.

CirYnOAFErfurniBhed, lease, frod takings, 200; 0 cltv. baraaln. Graham. 66 -REENOROCERY, Fniit, "and Oonectionery Business v- nir m. ii ti ng-v, whwpwii.

mORACc6N7stTind Hairdresser, rooms, rent 20. 130 K1mr.ftt. Newtown. GROCERY, aposlde, taking i2 p.w., good plant and stock, abt. 650 will buy.

102 FlinderB Bt. B5ARDING House, 0 rurn. throughout George st. off C1eveland-ft, Redfern. TOR Sale, ft small RESIDENTIAL, 82 Abercrombit 1 at, city.

BUSUISSE8 FOR SAIS 0B WASTED B. ASHLEY AND fiMnrl 1iAr. 9H tl ARTTH ACR. 'THE LARGEST BUSINESS BELLI NO ORGANISATION IN AUSTRALIA." fWa are NOT Houl or Win Saloon Broken.) IMPORTANT AI.WAVH lutvn the SOLE Right to sell the BEST Businesses on the market. Burtvt proof oi tow is to call for particulars, then make comparworu i with anything eta you have offered to you.

The following are a few of our exclusive opportunities MODERN RESIDENTIAL" FLATS Manly. Exception- couveulenue. Iksutlfully FuniUhwl. Price 75. AKIILEk.

RESIDENTIAL JLATS, facing Beach, 12 S.C. FM1 Long lease. Kent 15 p.w., probably the lowetvt of any modern date In such a Ion in Sydney. 14 p.w. over rent in winter, au in summer.

Authentic. ONLY 1850. ASHLEY. CONFECTIONERY, FOUNTAIN DRINKS, PASTRY. in me Duaiest eiroei ou or we ciiy.

ueuuiuui Modem D. Shop. Very attractive ln every way. During the 'peat 13 months vendor has saved CtiuO out of the profits, bealdea all personal expenses. Rent 226 for 2 years, then tor 5 years.

Price, only 4501 ami stock (about 150) at valuation. Terms, 300 caah, balance 0 p.c. ASHLEY. Pastry, Petersham 680. FTN.

DRINKS, Burwood 500. FTN. DRINKS, Mosman 480. FTN, DKS Coogee 460. FTN.

ParramstU-road 500. FTN, DRINKS, Kensington 650. FTN. Illawarra Line 675, i FTN. North Sydney 320; REFRESHMENTS snd MIXED.

Coogee 3M. FTN. Crow's Nest 400. FTN. Lane Cove River 325.

i FTN. the Best on Banltatown 76. MIXED Ftn. etc), beyond Manly 500. ASM Lit.

I. HAM and BEEF, Popular Western Sub. Large at- tracuvc cuiop, witu nice uwelling. no inuueuiaie opposition. Trade 25 to 30, could be greatly increased without much effort.

Rent 2, Lease. Price, only 325. ASHLEY. HAM and BEKF, FOUNTAIN DRINKS, CONF. Modern itrawm miu, J-arge, iony, commoaious, up-io-aaie D.F.

Shop. 5 etc. MAGNIFICENT Plant. Takings 00 p.w. Immense nihilities.

PARTICULARLY NOTE: Tbe Plant tiluiid at 50010, and the stock la guaranteed 30. Despite thin, the purdiaoe price is Oillv SiUr. Illne'M loinnpla hnnnwlint an In HAM and BEEF, 325, 635, u00, 270, 400. ASHLEY. MIXED, opposite Public School, away from shopping vcui.iv iiu uijjuoii-ujii, juawarra line, iainga n-o p.w., over counter.

Closes 8 p.m. Could double by delivering and opening in evenings. Very large shop and Cottage. Present owner 3 yean. A sound, solid business.

Bargain, 135. MIXED (Grocery, Cakes, Haberdashery, un wo jieiguui oi neaiuiy duduto, nearc of buElneKs centre. Takings 00 p.w. (g'teed). NET PROFIT 12 P.W.

Also has Savings Bank Agency. Rent of Shop and Dwg. 25. Price 550. This includes 300 of stock.

A fill 1. IV GROCERY, PRODUCE, IRONMONGERY. Outer sub- ui-d, uuKftiwc utuu-5. ttliop and and good yard. Takings 145 to 170 p.w.

Rent 25. Lease. Price Stock and Plant at valuation, plus. for goodwill. Total, 800 to 000.

GROCERY, at tram terminus, Modern Suburb. Very fine modern Shop in pick of posltionn. EXCELLENT DWLG. Takings 70, CASH OVER COUN-IVAt. No delivery.

This is another bargain for anyone with 3U) or 400, because vendor is leav- ing Sydney Immediately, wiU reduce stock to suit, to- necessary. GROCERl, many others, most vnrious prices. FRUIT and GREENGROCERY. Petersham. Exceptional i n.uic tcnni Buuiu ana ouAtness at a bargain price, IM.

Takings 30 p.w. Rent 20 p.w. Dwelling, 4 etc. GREENGROCERY, Camprfe, 50 HiSisD. fH X' a0CHRV, Bankstown line, 90 p.

635 FRUIT. GROCERY, nwnrrf. lie. 7 ffiVnTEr 9KISS80CERY Oxford-st, 400 p.w. 1050'.

FRUIT, GREENGROCERY, Rozelle, 40 p.w. 200. STATIONERY, LENDING LIBRARY. Popular suburb. y1, I100- ne5tt to Post-office.

Good lease. Low n'nt. Takiugj, (genuine) 20 to 25 p.w. Would be considerably more but for inattention caused through Illness and other disabilities. Old-estabti.

Goodwill ia asked. Stock and Plant at valuation. Between 500 and 600. RY BUSIN'ESS FOR SALE IN MENDED. "UAtarLx RECOM P.


Sub Attractive shop, beautifully fitted and heavllv OPPfelTION. AVERAGE rivA PROKITS 9. THAI yLA, Two tcalM' 6 auowcases, counters and Olllngs, with all sundry plant. Nice lurae Jtached. LOW RENT WITH LEASE? isFS'u'lsIT ETC' "00D SURURB.

iciiui. Mce double- "EPTIONALI ii0. A GENUINE BUSINESS. niTTKHS T.mrini i KlVivnri. I uvunvv.u.'M ana nAiKUKiCSSEIt, CITV 5i0 TOBACCONIST and HAIRDRESSKn.

city' tSX iyAONisT and MairdresseiT redvhhV. 7T 1 UdAULiJiN 1KT ami II a i im ivan iiKivirv n.rv. wi -mmereagn-st. VI uu nvu 1... wmu cost jsm.

roceIy ssssssmm- UT OU)ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, main thoronrtf. A.u.V.r.??a ''AM Hr.MlY, Culwuila-chamhers. 67 Castlereach-st. tr-m mum, uiie ucsioence, lease, low BUTCHERY, turn. tw.

well fitted, indust. noml-Prlcee4) 4bolute l''t time offered. East. turn. 90, best prices, Price 7: cash.

Something out of ordinary. Any trial. See this. BUTC HERY, Work, trade 00, vendor 111, must sell. Bargain.

BUTCHERY, turn. 1S0, best-fltted shop district, lovelv ros'l'Jcc, never offered before. See this. Pit i-iti-street AM ANDBEKF, SPECIAL. rm nlfa.

IK. DVCT in on: c. AW VB rilcffi 'ii' years, witn J.i-rLENT LABGE DAYTON SCALES. KEIjISTER. and best of PITT1NRM.

TiLv-n "WmV We HONESTLY state a live man nifc. PRICE, is almost covered by ASSETS, Klny-strcet (over Searl's). IJUl-UHEKY. SHLE.N'D C1AKII J- 70 to 80 casJi over counter, top prices, well fitted, un-to-date plant, It A It OPPORTUNITY to secure good payimr business for uhlh. with ntwi in Ifood suburb.

ALSO, good one-man Shop, taking uhiiii, iwr uuicra, aii prices, some thing extra Bppoial at 1000, taking 140. Another, taking over 100, for 075. We only sell good busi-Qtfcscs that will stand In vesti Ration. No duffera. OUR HOILKS AGENCY, 163 Pitt- Mvvineuiiu iiour.

AKHI0r Mr. 11 UMl'llllK VH. MER DRINKS, and MIXED, taking 30 to 00 p.w., very busy thoroughfare, good steady dav trade. Dwelling, 5 low rent. A RAItk unAin-n 10 isroure good paying utisiness for 4, ALSO IU7NIX)VN SHOP, CONFECTIONERY and MIXED, badly managed, for First genuine iiiyer win ruin iiiix lib at UHAiM-li.

SpletiUhl uijf, uu iiiu very uusy tnorouglifare. 103 Pitt-street, and Floor, ROOM IK rOSMAN. 4 Flat un. I HmI.SIii Rmu. iM- beaut, posn.

at boat, nicely lease jci.r, rum, (, inue gmunoH. i-nrguin, CONFECTIONERY, Fount. Drinks, Stationery, Ige. bright shop, flttfngi and plmit 37o, stock 75, e.l., lease, rent 48, gd. dwell.

Only 4fi0 the lot. HAM and REEF, ret. counters, bacon cutter, co nip. scales, caae, pie nm, cash ice chests, 6 mirrors, gas trade rent 60, inc. ga.

rge. aweti. uen. snap, 400 McLEl.T.AN nnd 17 'Mart in-Vice. AC1UNCE OF A LIFETIME.

FOR SALE. PICTURE SHOW AND THKATHK. Newly built, fitted with 141)0 chain, piano, machine-all of the best Open 5 ntghta a week; 100 miles from Brisbane. One of the best. Owner must aell, leaving uuuuiry, fan tusn, ouninw arrangeu over iu years.

VX Duncllan-strcet, OREENMIXIPES, SOUTH BRISBANE. MILLINERY, big coimec, fnMiionable lovely ahop, busy part, heavily stocked, (lold-niine, 480. uAnuiirtu, uMi. complete uirnuuts, norses; good yard and xtublcs, showing big returns, tM. FRUIT, DRINKS, etc.

Bit. best sub. Rent 210, Fine Dwelling, well -fitted shop, turnover f0 wk. BOOT REPAIR I NO, right in busy spot. Beautiful completo tools and patching machine.

4f. WHITELY and 70 IMU-Krect (auk liftmanl- ROCERY. Situated in fast-growing nwiiJentlal sub. Trade 70-HO p.w. Rent (SO.

5 lease. 4 r. and k. Goodwill, Plant and Stock at val. Ingoing about 3T0.

RUN-DOWN BOOT-REPAIR 1NO Business. In good post tlon of go -ahead nub. Att, D.F. Kliop and Cott. Mod.

rent. Chance for a tradesman. Note tbe price, 4210. HU KT ami 107 Pltt-Btreet. A SOUND LITTLE BUSINESS.

jljl. Ladies' Robe SneciallHts. snlendlrl connection. i may income, situaiea neuri oi city, excellent sianu, Any inveaiigaiion couneu. riu, see pnnci pal Room 08, First Floor, Strund Arcade.

Pries. M0. Apply early. OENUiNE OPPORTUNITY. riONrEOriOKERY and MIXED, a sound and sate mTaT.

ness, enn be Improved with additional lines, shows j-o wcck ear. lanre stocK. aim a i fltt nin irn? ik wi. Clean. Good position.

Oood residence. NO AOENT4. ApP'y utary-ronu, Motmnu. TM I DENTIAL CHAMBERS. CITY.

XV IlcHt nosltion. aond blouse. 10 rooms. well-furnishiil nna equinpen, regular Tenants, ucnuine reason selling. aViiiv cawi.

run parm-Tiinni irom W. R. McMIIiLAN. 10 Castloreagh ntfeat clty. EESIDENTIAii for Sale, well-kept house, 0 rooms, well 513 over rent, insured, ptano, elea, light, gas, rent 3.

Price, 300, bargain, term. Bring deTHwlt. 1T0 orhes-rtiwt. near Wllllam.street. RESIDENTIAL, 80 ROOMS, divided Into flats, 2nd leT-tlon, lanre grounds, elec.

light, gas meters. Lang iuw rem. uouti piunu, CHEERS and BENSON, 107 Castlercagh-sU City 618. IjllSII SHOP, main street, no opposition, taking 80, snnn, 150. Mixed, Dwelling, large stock, 200.

Fratt, cart, horM. rede 40, 200, corner pos. ljAriBti. mo iinnge-stri'et, urummoyne. 1XTINR SALOON, Are you considering purchase of oner ir an, write me first, Buyert flnanoed.

No Rgenti need apply. Apply Bok 1450, O.P.O., Sydney. "TILK RUN, Warm, 42 horses, 1 cart, good residence, im.y&J. jhiik, Hoanoaie rott-omce. TJEHl DENTIAL, 1 rooms, furnlidied, RA, alio Fruit -aj cneap.

4i cieyoiana-st, city. IXEO RnslllM. for Rale, Rnldentlat attachwl, rood Inmmfr. Ill.l.mllh. Annlv ff Kllndrrs rt.

Phrt. Ani.INfJIHIftSt; Victoria siiitfi, to over ra(, jXiuc uw rioajiOTKl. Jt incuu luiora M0T0B CAS3, BICYCLES, ETC. TOO ww to Bfor. Purrhasinv thai nw ram Urlv.


ATTKNI) AUCTION TO-UOHItOW, FRIDAY, AT 2 P.M. SHE AlUmO.N COIA.JIN. fiUKHFOHU and WAUOTr. 1 ssd Car Balerooms, 1W EliubrUi.strert, Cllr liim. nsst Fblaarli.rl.y's.

BRAND NKW TVI1IH, aUARANTEKU 4U0O KX) UU ,315 SIS is lilt ttntj 80 SI iH16 S75 106 11,11,. Dl 8) 419 "'y tbap. from 15 Al'STTXHK RF.MOin.Pg. 78 Alfrad-st, North Sy.1.. HUDSON SIJPKR SIX, i-Sain.

in sound cmMfm Ihrouiriiout, but riuirea little tlnkerlnff to out In good going order. Will sacrifice for beat offer this week. Easy terms required. I. B.

FIKUDHR. ia UwaMrhjtMet. Sydney. VVANTBn, CHKVItOl.rfl', 4W model, 6 seater, payment for Oakland Six, Bve-seater, at aH16; the difference In value Ujua; paid In instalment, over tt lllontlis, If desired. i- B.

133 Sydney. i tVnn. iiarpkr" chkap' tyrics. va Tyres, 28 3. S5 28 I 2( I 21, 509.

Ooodricb Tyres, 30 3, safety JH6. Bio, Hand Tyres, 30 31, ifleed, .1. New ilicliclin Tyres, 4, 875, g'Unl. 1. Double-deck Tyres, sll sises and auaranteed.

Protectors. Mllers. 1. IIABPER tftn Dealers, WentworUi av. '8S80 rilYltl'-S, all new, 28 3.

.1 IS'; 32 3j. 700 4, 116: fclo lftk 33 31. 710 no. Ttn nm ai llb7: hlo 10.V 33 4. tar.

105. W) 130, 03,1 130, iil.j. stewart-alreet, PaiMiogton, rcarPublld' Oxforil-st, nearj'own llal. Itlng 254 Pad.l.. riNK sliCOND I IAN "Flveatfr Touring BODY, eomi witli Hood, Screen, Scuttle Ua.sli, and back--Mudguards, tpholktering in veiy Kood Modem desiun, '710.

PltOI'ERT'S. I.OIITKD, 73 King-street. Neartown. 1.0HRIK8 for Sale. Ijcwt (Universal)! 3'i and 4ji0.

Just overhaulrtl by us: Guaran-teed as good an new. ASI1TO.V8 MOTOR SCHOOL awl OARAOE, Regjnit.Htrec, Iluihviiy.stiuure. F'lNDUAY'S sueclal-Motor-aleuls for Motor Oar "rin(t, 76 cent. of til. Car Builders.

Wholesale uistributors. J. B. WAL1.IS, LIMITED, Cballia House. Srdner.

OJiCOND-IlANI) MOTOII-cTCIjES. We have the best1 range in Sydney. Buyers will do well io ir Stocks. LLOYD, MACKKY, and OL'NN, 215 Oeorge-Ntrcet. Opp.

Nock and Kirby. fiDNI-n'. ADVANCES made against Motor Cars, Motor Lorrie. (without posseasiou), from FIFTY POUNDS TO ANY AMOUNT, at lowest Rate, of Interest -J. OOUISTEIN, 137 Battiurst-street, Sydnev.

fTIWO-TON INTERNATIONAL most new, Beef-cultlng Rody, ready to go to work at once. A Bargain, and Boulevard. Slrathtlcld. s.p., a-cyiinoer, o-seater, good tyres. Bosch mug.

J- neto. Zenith carb. IN PERFECT ORDER, inside and out, 240. 8 Lackey-st, Suinmcr Hjll. TflORD DE LUXE, Double-Water, Edison lighting and' a.

starting, new tyres, tubes, perfect order. Suit STUDEIIAKER Owner, who ueed repairs on'thelr cars'. consult CHA1ILES GORDON, Motor Engineer, 73 Cascade-lane, Paddington. twa. "ISSEX and STUDEIIAKER Speilallst.

iling'Tidd: 039. CHARLES CORDON, Motor Engiier, fi Cascade.lane, Paddington. CTUDEBAkER Car i sm about "Pairs on your car. 73 Cascada-'ane, Paddington. 'Phone.

Padd. pan. TJ.V1MLEK, Silent Knight, 38 h.p., six.suaTerT'iii good lOTdltlon, 5 wire wheels, registeriid, ready for roads, 300 or near oiler, 10 A-hnm TOItU, Australian Body, 6-sealer, clecUIn T1 ileai "Win. looi aiiot iciv 120. Any trials.

HOI.1'11. B.3.A. MOTOR CYCLE, counter-sliaft, "a-speed "gears. take two anvw here. lr.n n.r.

Apply1041oiliit-strcet, Coogep. "pWltD, Slnelc.seatcr, wanted, at "once, must bcin gooil ruuiung order, mm or 1020 model preferred. Nodeajers.No. 0313, HcraliL T1 ITCliELI, SLY, latest model. IiTTxrellciit order, a.x price 350, terms if necessary.

On view Saturday ufrnoojirjiinuliornoo Ung-road, Centeiinlul I cfloi icitus. iia'iiaiiu lie l.uxe, V-J 22o; Sllldohaker, 225; Chandler Dennis Truck, 275. Selboruc Motor 741 Co ENDERSON and Side Car, loill, good condition. wen sliotl. Qj.

aiy trial. 23 Chiires-st. M'villc. BOSCH MAGNETO, D. and 2 Type, good order, 0.

'311 Queen-st, Ashneld, Saturday. 'i iiuii-ttniu, aeavy ireua, ail BlZi'S, US mo 1-J), '2 to 90 Ueorgf at West. CTUDEltAlvElt, light four, late model, Kfnglc seater, r-s iiuiv uunu nouu hi ue. ii oi ini. 4., i tMa, Ail iMrn, direct from prlvute owners.

Any numjucii. mil 'ill, 41,1 i ll hi. ABY firood order, Rood tyres, Bosch 100. 19 Ureen'a-rd, Puddlngton. KW TYKES, all make, all Bizes, ail prices: The Union Tyre a Wgntworth-av.

'EW TYRES, SO" 3J, fully guaranteed. 910: is' 3, 21711. The Union Tyre 8 Wentworth-av N1 .1 V.I 91 tu tTTT "fr "est Amencan non-skids. Union Tvre a w.tAv,,TH,.u,. WANTED, OWNERS desirous of disposing of their MOTOR OARS, LORRIES.

CYCLES, and ACCESSORIES TO ENTER NOW LESSEY'S WEEKLY SALE, EVERY THURSDAY. Theo lantcly-attendcd and Popular Wctklr Sale, are recognised by tlio 'I'rade and Private Owners as the -Best, Quickest, and Must Economical Method of oh-. taining FULL VALUE ALL SALES ARE ON COMMISSION ONLY at LESSEY'S AUTO SALEROOMS, JS-13 EL1ZABET11-STHEET (adjoining Sjnagoguc). 8577. Owner! should enter now for thf NEXT WEEKLY SALE, EVERY TUESDAY, of MOIOR CARS, TRUCKS, CYCLES, ACCESSORIES.

THIS IS THE SUREST AND MOST RELIABLE METHOD of SELLINO YOUR CAR TO ADVANTAOE. Fullest values assured, as bii only, and our spacious and up-to-date Showrooms allow your Car to be displayed to lta utmost advantage and in-iuTinMuaicu wnn convenience. THE LARGEST MOTOR SALEROOM IN N.B..V., AUTOMOTIVE AUCTIONS (City 570), 17-23 WENTWOHTH-AyHNTE (next Boyd Kdklns, Lltnitcl). WANTED to Buy, 9.11. FORD TRUCK BODY, suitable furniture carrying.

Price and measurement, of body, age of motor, by letter only, to UKL to Carobela.street.Klrrllillll. TTANTED to PURCHASE, good LIGHT CAR," Iu" first'. class order, 4-seater. Reply full particulars to Bot 1782. O.P.O.

WANTED, modern Light D.S. Car. Partlriilarirano! lowest cash price to A. LAMB, 5 Carlton Flats, Coogee. ANTED, Hire Motor 'Bus, few months.

State price, tli Unln, tta S'nllnM WANTED, ft-str. Fords, any conUiiion. Iiijrhct iiritffl r-nld, cash. Mott's Oarage, 77 Circular Quay I-jiM. WANTliD, eecond-hand Crank Cuse for 1HI2 niodel Cadillactop and bottom.

H. Ala lone, WANTED, Radiator Fan, for Wisconsin Kuginc, foot rltv. 'ANTKD, 9.S. FORD, any condition.

State motleC mt, mutur, jrown-W. ANTKD, Oearu, or Gearbox, fair order, for 79 Ovef- iiuiti. iJiverpoi-ni, AKnnciu. uio'ii. WA.NTKD Kxcharuje, fine Continental Touring; CAR, for Ford, any condition.

54 Charlotte-st. Aslitield. WANTED, CHASSIS nnd SIDK-CAR. Give uurUcii'-' lars. HaroldiVro.

Crnvdnn. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Two lines fabout 14 words), 2 SJiturduya, 20.1 CASH Dayton Scale, shop Fittings, io-duvV'v Ring Wm. IGoO. Oxford-lane, DIAMONDS, Old Gold, Silver, and Plateware, 'Mglisie' pricea -given.

Solomons, 779 Georgc-hi, opp. Mnr. cus Clark's, Itailway. Wrtte, orJphoneJOU Cltyf TjUAT Galv, Iron, 0 8, 20 ffiue, (rood PAT Itought, 6 tin; curt call punctually; thn ex-changed. A.

HarTis.rtyniiontMU.i7 IjVt-T, 5 tin; cart calls; 'Soap'Vxphd. Ulnnr or wile. RjWestwood, 143 George-at, Redfem. R. IjlAT, fi "tin; cart call; Una exchanged.

Box 44, -1 Newtown P.O. AIRDHESSER'S CTIAIR wanted. k. riiiui.t, opi. uaritou Huiiion.

I BUY LKFT'-OFP CLOTHING of any sort, gorxJTof any kind, Kit Hags, Furniture, cutlery, InstrumeniSj J. M' Donald, 87 Regtint-nt, city. KITtmKN PAT, 6 tin; Hoap lixrli. Cart call. 'iUrl ton.

27 Bray-st, Kreklnevllle; JAWS Uowcrs, Uarden Tools, Bought, any con-J ditlon. 27 CarllHle-Ht, Uichhardt. 4SI Pot. OIL DRUMS, Oil Casks, Renxuie Cases, Tina, Srfap liead, Zlno, Copr, Gunmetnl, Cust Iron, Braa.i, Old Rope, Bags, Rags, Bonce, Hair, Fat, Beer aud Gro-, eery Cases, Best prices given. H.

HTURGSON. 70 Marlborough -st, Surry HIHu. SPECIAL Notice. I will allow higher prices for ladles, Cltildrcn's lft-oQ Clothing, BooU, Shoes, Mneii, etc. We call.

Ring or write. h. LEWIS, 487 Orown-st, city. 'Phone. T06.

MACHINH, Droplicad pref. State name and ItO prljce. Misa ay, Fleurbalx Woodlaml-st, Coojree. SEWING MACHINKS Bought, highest prices glVeii7 at) mskos. Thomson.

fiO GeorgD-at 10112. PRATTS, fi9 Hunter-it. city. Jewellers and Watch JO Rpst prices Jot oluOold and Slly. CJKW1NG Machinre (II) wanted, pay 7 tn tilt each.

irreMninker, corge-si, iicinern. OKWING M. wanted. State nmke, price, 1 urgent. New arrival, 76 Powler-at, (Jampenlowii.

SEWING and KNITTING MACH1.NKS BOUGHT, ROWLEY, 1(1 Queen Victoria Mnrkets, Georgc-ut. i few Steel or Enamel Cooking Sanee-pans, 2nd-hand. about 15 inches; also Ice Cream Churn, 8 gallons. B. DOUGLAS, Hoiei uronuua, iTonm la New or 2nd hand.

In good order and MONTA TUBING. Annlv PHNffOt.nS WINICA. I jueen Vlctoria-bundlnga, Sydney Airrjj, iteaiueniiai, i-ino. nna Bunas, Dest glvn. Anply 2403, Herald Office.

ANTED to Buy, S.ll. INVALID CHAIR. 8 Clarke- v. city. ANTED, Tinsmith's Folder Rollers, andTSurrlmr wnuniim, q.n.

rncB. on en wick -si, ijcnaL. X7ANTED Buy, a 2tid-hand Steel OVEN. State price IL truer, rai, vjnamnera, zhh uranon-st, wihti, 'ANTED, tnid hand PETROL OAStS. Bsycnt, All BONbs.See my advertisem*nts, daily, this osper.

Csit, Broker, 7(1 rltt-st. Singer's Hewing Machine, also Pian.i, nsfih. James. 8 Bridire-st. ellv.

Cltv iWft ANTKD, TENT, aHout 10 VI, goofT iirHer," wttiT or 1 without Fly. Judd, Auctioneer, Collaroy. 1 'A5TfitD, Mocmd-hind must tie sound and rn good condition. Knao. G.P.O.

BTOVrl wanted, any condition. RoHn-wn," Vzrora-at rmiamgwa, -rnoDe, wn ruauigtoii. JvJBWS AUENCV, UNUHUAL BABUMM, Owing to DroDrletne'. 1ll.hMll. Theididp trade la oioepttonall.

good. wiiUi V.KCHLV TAKIN08 80. iTice lor proinot aale. jutua. uhi tw.

a utiTlloliand8pN, 12 Cattlereagh-itreet. EW8 AOENOY, a fully Urban Acrenw. rlnlnw at, nv toUl wwkly turnover of iioo. tKck about' aiaoo. We an liutructed to aell thla highly profitable bua.

on iSSi "UlS'SS1 Pjr'uOO 7SbVk, at mL Bole Agla. ADOTIONREUIMO cleiir pronbTiSW) wk old-MriirillalllBfl flam WL I t. OABDlNO.HOliSK. uburb7Tw.7lu m. oak quite new, cnipulouilr dean, nloe garden, rmt 2, u.QEO.

TUOMAti, SON TAIBY, 14 prime bull, vteani pL, VS gaXli day, -a- very compact nm, Up-top turnout, tlWQ, all lu; or would aeli run aeparauiy. ucu. iiiuaiAa ana toon, lg CartlereagbtTeet. L. WILLlAUlj and SON, 05 EL1ZABKTU-HTKEET.

WELL AND FAVOUHABLY KNOWN S1NOS 1882. QBOOEBY and UIXED, corner poaltlon, with nloe hop and realilence. trad. 37 uMv im oiha NEWS AUENUY, elc, blocked run, In go-ahead auburn. muii rcnuence, goou plant ana Bttlnga, well atocked.

Lot jyino. OONFECl'IONEBY and FOUNTAIN DRINKS, high-cleat MBue, c.i-ciiKJuaiiy wen nttcu, large plant, trace .19 Week. Full nrion A v.nnlna Inmln PASTBYOOOK'S and BAKEKY, trade 1 week, plenty c.miu, iukb plain. HAM and BEEF, Impoa. aliop, One dwelling, leading tram aectlon.

luBt tbe aoot for trade. Splen. diuir fitted, 'phone, etc. Value In atock and plant alone. Price, Cm.

If you want a bargain, here HAM and BEKF, West rent 45. Price, 370. HAM and HKKF, Rood ctowj sub. Price, 275. HAM arid BKIiK, North Shore, bent pon.

Price, 885. HAM and HKEF, nolLinir better offeriiitr. Price. 50. OKO.

8TONK. Ham and tu-ft Ktr-iolUt a rustlt. reanh-street, near Hunter -street, for HAUUAfNH, BUTCHKRY, Northern old est. nlo and dwgT, premier main sL. irod olant.

low rent. lease, caab trade. 100. I'rir-t. in.

BUTCHKRY, good lncl. Freebold. 1900. BUTCHERY, near includfjiB Freehold, 1100. BUTCHERY, lead.

innl. kwhnlri. inn uuiutiKitx, Ktutt, shop and main at, rent -1 jbhc( lonuiie uvra uamn man. value lit plant I BUTCHERS' SHOPS LISTED. I'LRASK CALL.

OEO. STONE. Butchers' Exchanse. 0 Cufltteroairh-Kt. wr DUiiiCT-Htreet.

AUK, UflLiX AUUHLS3, A ERNEST aa 'Castlereagli-st, 16 Bisbop-ciiamberg (opp. Martin-placeJ. City 6067. GROCERY and MIXED. Snug corner Shop and 6 rooms.

in buiiu wui nun (utaiuy. U.IjX zil lease. Now bhowing 8 WEEKLY PROFIT. Clean, freiih stock (over 100) and complete plant. Full value nere lor Z8u.

CONFECTIONERY. DRINKS, and PASTRY. Fine cor ner shop and comf. dwelling, leading illawarra suburb. FAIR RENT and UOOD LEA HE.

Weekly traae au, and improving rapidly. Dayton scales, ice cnesi, tauiea, cuairs, etc. un goou siock, 326. HAM and BEEF. Modern shop and snug residence.

In GOOD CITY STAND, on EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RENT 270, with lease. WEEKLY TRADE 45-50. PROFIT 12. Very bright and well tilted in every respect, WE RECOMMEND as the BEST ON THE MARKET for the price, 320. We Finance on Anything Via Recommend A.

ERNEST COATES and CO.SS Castlereagh-street. "TALATS, 2 Klng'B Croas, lease 4 years. J-' 25. 11. Heave ner, 13 HOTELS, HOTELS, HOTELS.

CORRECT INFORMATION ONLY S1.TPL1ED. 15 YEARS' HOTEL EXPERIENCE. HOTEL. 100 milea from Sydney. 8 years' lease, rent 6, takings 1W lied loom- ana splen.

MW cash. A Kare unance. HOTEL. COUNTRY, Southern Line, ON -REDUC TION, years' lease, rent latcings suos win ir yill.I. PRICK.

1400. A tJlFT. HOTEL, country, 4 years' leust, r. 2, small loan to Tooth. 000 cash.

Beginners, why hesitate? HOTEL, country. Main Western Line, 0 years' lease, rent 4, npienmu K-suirv ddck uuiiomK, population 15,000, FKKE HOL'SE, 1400 cash required on v. hjtcentionai Huyiiirr. uniy just insirucinu. UOTEIi, city and suburbs, from 1500 to II.

HEAVttlc, tiottil uroiter, 13 liiizaueui-st. ESI DENTIAL, handy Central Station, VI rooms, low xvrxni. fieari a over rem. uuicil nHie. -o.

FRUIT BUSINESS, corner bertt part Marrickville, nw ront. leajw. trade well Ulteu. tlW. MLU, Conf, Ham, Beef, good shop, trade 18, Dayton scales, S0.

FRUIT populous suburb: plant, fittings, run down, 4 40. H. 1IEAVENER, 13 Elizabeth -street. 'Phone, 113215, YX7AKOEN, HOTEL LROKJUtS, EST. 1SB6, TT 163 Pitt-street, next to U.i.U.

OTEL, Long lease, 7 a), 4.500. handy to city, Cheap rental, jciw, WARDEN1, 163 Pitt-street. OTEL, Takings 140, 2050. busy part of George-street, good beer trade. WARDEN.

103 Pitt-Street, COUNTRY HOTEL, Brewer's Lease, Maitland District, Bent, 6. Proof 10 30 Vu0. WARnRy, 1(53 Pltt-ntreeL 2750. iOUNTHY HOTKL, NORTH -WL8T, Lcane 6 years, Tnkings 60, 1150 ienn rental, tp prices. WAttunn, 103 riu-scree-.

mDinrDEi r-T-rrr tvrrc AOENCY. 1 lloifu-chanibers, 121 I'itt-aueet (next Swaln'a). UlTTn TJITCTVTttid rv n-m whnn DTK. 4 It, bir. twzUl.

fitocK. rent mm, iroou truue. most desirable Business and Jlome, A Ottt, GROCKKY and MIXED, levely ftbon and big Btocif. rent w. ions lea-se, tnrivms cviurv, iu biisinesa 1b well worth Inspection, 150.

THADKUS KXCHANflE. Tnva BTTTr.VT-'.rv fiRAPKHY. K.F. Modem BUod. 4 ige.

r. ana k. dlulhu. wui 30, lease, splendid opening, WK FIXAKCfE Recommendations. TRADERS' EXCHASCB, lil I'itt-rt, Lit Floor.

PECIAU Owine to exceptional rea.onn an opnortimirr occnni of acqu7rinff a Hitch-class CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS at an absolute bedrock price, situated in bus; part of Western Suburbs. Residence corapnsea rooms and rent only 310, 4 years lease. Net profits guaranteed from lfi to 18 wfe. Any trial (riven. Price 700.

Terms can oe arranKeo. miner particulars apply THE EXCHANGE AGENCIES, 117 Pitt- etreeu "XTEW9 AC1ENC1KS. I have received, onlv yesterdav. i-i TWO of the finest Sifourban News Agencies, 2001) and Ideal, auict-frrowimr district a. in uaoi- tlon I have 15 others.

Suburban, fully blocked. Full particulars and advice from A. W. R. Davis, 68 Pttt-st.

EVIDENTIAL, WOOLLAlUtA, XV 4 YEARS' LEASE, CLEARS 11 P.W. 13 rooiruL 9 bathroorus. 2 all extra well fumisn- ed lu oak, and clean, r35, TERMS. No r. offer ref.

RLSIDENTIAL. COOGEE, 44 YEARS' BIO PROFITS. in roams and kitchenettes, ail verv well fiirniabed. some solid oak and except, ciean, tano. ThKinn.

j. bLiLi, iio tung-so-fcci, city. TIffPRIRlJTTNO OONFFCTIONERY BUSINESS, con- XJ tral position, RUN DOWN CONDITION, trade 00, was doing 250 week. Complete plant, including motor car, store, and omce actings. stock liu.

Full price only 525. SCOTT and HARRISON, 68 Hunter-street, SAME HANDS 7 EARS. Dissolution of Partnership, 2 ladies, compels sale. Splendid dwelling, rent 45, SODA FOUNTA1A, JA1W, 1UK -HlfiM'l, TARliKS. milNTER.

SHOWCASES. WALL DITTO. UIRRORS, SCALES, AVERAGE PROFITS 8. Stock guaranteed, 100. Just the thing for 8 ladies.

Only 375, terms. SUOTT and hakkltOW, bo nunter-st. "AlttHUR H. MOONEY, j. ziz VJTUKIA-M HOTEL BROKER.



AUBURN. J. UODKL BUTCHERY, taking 60 weekly, growing rapidly. An excellent opportunity to secure a nna-ciusa business with modern dwelling, standing In land 60 200 ft. Price 1450.

Terms. A SACRIFICE. FRUIT and Soft t. 30, i. 210.

175 fYWP and Mixed, tak. 30. stock ab. 40. Pr.

225. AMBROSE WEliBKK, 4B ana Auourn'roaa, Jtunurn. TJESIDENT1AL, 12 rooms, 8 over rent, 9 wardrobes. ace tniSa ne RESIDENTIAL, 0 rooms, rent 1, very clean, worth inBpeCUOn, tlW, ihb WIIVJ) muu. FECTIONKRY Mixed, good stand, must sell to- gay, oniy ioo.

ine neciuvg, aia uAiuiu-nt, ROCERY, Mixed, best leaving State, sell to- day, 110. The Beehive, vvt uxioro-sc, raadington nitTf (. p. Innre hoo. 6 rooms, convs, bath, laundry, Btabios, VALUABLE PLANT, trade 1UU weeK, low rent, rrwa -uou.

uitu OORNIE REECE, 108 Pltt-Btreet. 3 doors G.P.O. 'Confectionery, fruit, soft drinks. SHOP, 4 rooms, all yard, stables, rent 226, trade wk. rn nun PIRST.CI.ASS CITY And SUBURBAN WINE BUSINESSES FOR SALE from 900 to 5500, Apply between 0 and 10 a.m.

and 1 and 2 p.m. to Property Ofllcer, PENFOLDS WINES, LIMITED, Queen Victoria Markets, Sydney. RESIDENTIALS, Glebe Pt, 9 well 285; another. 10 always full, piano, 276: one 6 36: one 6 70; one 7 76. HAWKES- BURT EXCHANGE, Station Howe, Rawson.piace.

MIXED Buslnessesv Red fern, good shop and dwelling, 50; 6 rooms, 50; several, city, chp. Hawnesoury gxenange, gtation tionse, nawaon-piace. piOUNTRY HOTEL, Railway, big Ant-class v- nous, tease io yean, rent oiesrs iuw p.s. Easily worked, fine climate, 3000. Straight, sound proposition.

Agent not entertained. Writ J.Q., oo Mr. GREEN, 7 Oarr-aireet, North Sydney. GROCERY, main street, cash trade, takings 40, rent 2, atock, fittings at. valuation, 225.

HAM, BEEF, MIXED, corner position, good dwelling, rent 30, lease, well fitted, run down, must sell, as lap, m. u. BiW hi suuTan-piaoe. SEAL ESTATE AGENCY, Western Suburb, with splendid prospecta. Equipped office, lease, trst-class position.

Good reasons tor telling. 125. HENDERSON and PARTNERS, LIMITED, Broadwav. Enfield 3 MART D.F. SHOP, Millinery, Drapery, residence)' PsrtTciilars, fl Belmore-road, Randwlok.

Rand. 1006. gooa iraae, apienaia opporxunuy lor peopie. ST IN ED BUSINESS, sltusted at 55 Reservoir-street, city, nrlcs 210 for stock, fltttngs, and lino, for dwelling of 4 rooms and shop. QUICK SALE, Auction eering.

New and smTSeeond hand Furniture Business, flourishing suburb, show ing food turnover gdv spec M.J., P.O., Cam pule. IIOOGKE. ReTd. and Flats, beaut furnished, 210 KJ week, least 6 years, 10 rooms, price 550, 1 mlt). I ram una win.

p.n.w,, ffuiwrn-itirw TjVJR SALE, rood Boot Repairing Boslness, Apply! jv- jg ttsmnen-ST, in.nnm, XnOK SALE, QREENUROCERY. food atand, 50. Apply A. Redfem P.O. jfSoOGEB.

Rooms, Pasiry, Ice Creri Drinks, folng: wtwwni, 8a0.Owner. P.O. XTptt SALE, aa a "going Shirts, Cloth-llvj Infi pt fi'maklnf oonrae, 481 Darlluf-at, Roaella CONFECTIONERY and FOUNTAIN DRINKS, after 1 yeerr oooupation, vendor baa ioatructed us to sell this genuine buslneu. Takings at present, under indifferent management, 25 week, easily doubled by right people. Attractive shop, with excellent dwelling, 6 situate main tub.

Hue, near rsll-way station, valuable plant includes mtuiuve soda lounuio, 6 seui scales, a soowcases, large inamie tables, choirs, counters, el, light, gas stove, alho 100 worth good clean tock, A DESIRABLE ULM-NKSS Olid HOME. PRICE, 3MJ. FRUIT, GREENGROCERY, DRINKS. Vendor will give sU.t.uaHi, UHl, him, UUUIUI IHUWn IU UIVVO IflB takings 100 week, proflu U0 week, sll shop irade, large modirn sliop and dwelling, Ist-tlaM suburb, low rent, lease 4 years. There it eveoUUng nerea-wiry in valuable plant and fittings.

A BUSINESS hKLDOM OFFERED. Chance for smart man. Price, 385. MIXED, HAM and BEEF, CONFECTIONEHY, DRINKS. ueuuiue.

lattmga t.K pronu about 7 week, nice shop and splendid dwelling, 6 rooms, rent 40, lease a ears, situate right at railway station. Main Subn. Line, almmt full value In plant, fittings, and good assorted stock. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY, Price, 260. GROCERY (only).

Books and any prof given to show1 k.w ween, very large shop and fine dwelling, low rent, long leaae, no oppoitinn, Mlect suburb. Plant includes Dayion barrel scales 50j, lew chest (10), bacon cutter, counters, eta. ai VALUATION. FULL PRICE, about 800. A SNAP.

BuvtBs FlnanrwH nn un. 1 1 tnd 92 P' FVaiT if lep'irinf, must Bell, 30. 134 Old nm AM and Beef, snug living, genuine business, suit wuiie. uenuirie.

i.u., Kogurali. TS'E Saloon, lovely stand, long" IcaW, am) 1500, immed. aale: no met. no Forbea-u. W'i GROCERY, turnover 68, lovely e.l., lease, rt.

3-2G, gold 500. trial. 80 Forbiu-t nrl'inn mot. Aau MOORE. HOTEL BROKERS, FAUIOUTTI-CtlAMBEim.

117 PrrT.Jrni.'i-r have Hotels for Sale in the city, suburbs, und all Country Towns. WANTED, HAM and BEEF Business. Adveitiser wants a genuine cleurinn- not low. thmi 0 P.w, net profit. Plant, nttimm.

aiirf o-onf-rul un. tearaiice of ibup must be of the best. Immediate port- iiw, io neraiq ANTKU to Purchase, MOUEK.N FLATS or high-class RESIDENTIAL. Id anDrtivl InMllt. at least cover a very oamlortabla llvliia: (or two.

Herald. WANTED, OASU GROCERY in progressive suburb. Turnover anvwhHn. i.tun to 70 weekly. Will buy privately, and for cash.

aitlLTJlKIB lw ITU, t.lO, tlCTatQ, WANTED, Confectionery and Soft Drink. Business. shoo. artH nmAta able for two ladies. Price about aim Write 'to 8403.

Herald. VyANTED, News Agency and Stationery Business, In good suburb or country town, country pref. Full nan cu Ura tn fi.niiin.. YYXNTED Confectionery, "eta, or Tea Room, WestT. I 7 lln8 Praf.

Must stand investigation. Price about iO. 1 nrtlnnlur. O'lnu WANTED, small fCE CREAM and" SoWl'liNKS, with small dwelling, In good suburb, cheap; no returning uriuaeroau. Ulebe.

"P'Jscs. suitaDie tor 2 people, nice shop, dwelling, price 140; no agents. 5728. Herald YI7ANTKD. 4uan fill XT'? Pl By Bondi.

iir.i country, wanted, railway town, up to 760 Cash. Sen, nnr. Hnt.l a r. r. tt uvuttiira.

ANTED, Blocked Suburban NEWS AGENCY. 1200 cash. balancA tj.mni a a tTT r. UOCKOaie. st 'nJ4 FaInWMd HO0SK, Eastern Subs.

VV TumiBiiea nuutus, EastCJ VV rANTRIl. trlct. i "M'. SWd du- WANTED, BUSINESSES and RESIDENT1AI, iriVfg P. L.

AS1IUIY and OO. I'PIiTbUU) a jLtJiln place. XQ NO COMMISSlds. W)' 28 M0T0K CABS, BICYCLES, ETC. Wtl inoqe) SUI 0J 1 i UTOMOT1VK automotive! automotive.

Call and see the oars, trucks, here listed. T. can demonstrate cars for Intending purchasers WL SEIJj ON COMMISSION ONLY thus ensuring maximum value to every buyer 6 msgnincent car. 2im excellent. 225.

ALLAN, 5-scater, ltBO model, 275 6-wtaUr, 1MB model, gsto. BUICK, mo model, 2T. MAXWELL, 1918 model, ii375. I-ORD. 1915 mwlel, 160.

DA YARD, single water, 193. MJTCHELL, single aeater, iit Hinu.e m'Htur, 276, 1TALA, 6-neater, 150. STUDEBAKKIt, 6 7-seater, 3'3 liAIMLER, 1 ton, uo. (It A MM, 30 lt6. Jjiiiaks mona.

cVi.tr1. 1Tr- tuny 670), 17-23 Wentworth-avenue tnext Boyd Edkins'. Ltd. uumuiiiitiuii ii Auuiiun, save you all trouble and expense? Combination to Auction, when I pay -spot cash ard save yi from us iou get fur more TURNER gli) Ooorpe-atwof, Hi-ritmy TDRINO YOUR MOTOR CYCLES or SIDEBAR Cnt. BIATIONS to US.

We pay you spot cub, no humbug if your price is reasonable. TURNER 219 OtKirtre-ritrcet. Svdner. TT a duty you owe to yourself if you want to buy or sell a Motor Cycle or Sidecar Combination; cwne to us flrat We ure experts, and ffive you a fair and square deal every time. aitf ueonre-Ktreet.

Svdnov. 0ME to us and gliow your Motor Cycle or Side mm win pay you npot casn if your price is light. We have buyers xi-n-iKu my ueorge-street, S.vdnpy. (UR MOITO is SmaJl Froftts and Quick Ketums. Time Payment Sjntem.

TURNER HROA. "10 f.nrrr.lfa,t pALM MOTOR CARS. PALM MOTO ROA iuriro uiscount inr nrnc iitr mM in unh Agenta wanted throughout N.3.W. PRICES, 385 to 455, TURNER 219 George-street. Sydney.


OARS. THEY RUN EQUAL TO NEW. OA US, Tlier are tiuumnteed equulty the Mime tut new, CARS, Can refer you to satlfifted Clients, who have bad CARS. our Rebuilt from one to ten yearn. CARS.

They cost only half, or little more than half, CARS. what the same Car or Lorry cost new. (Alts. They include Buick, Cadillac, Siddeley Demy, CARS. Paige, Overland, Empire, Adler, Arrol John CAHS.

hoii, Oakland, Daimler, Cartercar, ltala, CARS. Studehaker, F.I.A.T., etc. CARS. Call In and see us, or write for Cash price List. CAHS.

Terms can be arranged. War Bonds taken. CARS. Your small Car taken as part payment. PAIUB REBUILT MOTORS.

Junction of William und Yurong street. Bellevue HUl and King-street tram to door. LORRIES, lOewt to 6 tons, Including F.I.A.T., Hnl-ley, Talbot, International, Albion, LORRrKH Napier, Star, Hallford, and other clam Lorries. Prices from 176 upwards. LORRIES Write to us for price list and all parti-LORRIES ml fin.

LORRIES PAIUE. Junction of William and Yurong i.vunir.o sis, iiPinw lilUBeiim. 32iH.V.l!. KSBIl VE. BEAD AUCTION COLUMN ITIlntlT WITHOUT RESERVK WITHOt'T RESEHVE.




VT wrllrt, Carbines, 0, 7, 8, 0, Best vatu. in ojftiney. ,111 guaranweq, nenueraon to parK-sttygt. O' PEK Till 0 P.M. Friday.

National Tyres 7U, Tubes 2JJ l' ncimerBon ni rant-st, AROK Quantity S.H. Handlebars, Pedals, Chains, Wiieela, sacrifice price. 40 Parlc-st. frplLL 6 P.M. Friday.

-Special Worker Tyres, solidly I iruaranteed. 14. Tubes 60. Henderson. 40 Park-at.

iYCLR and Motor Tnmps, Pumps, Saddles. Chains. i-piiaiB, rwim-jq pnccB. nenaerson rarn-st. CSCOTT, 8.t-h.p..

05; Precision, good new, j.A.r., I'arK-Bt. iOTtEAt SNAPS. nhr anrl tfllioTTnTD. yjf Matchlcm and S'tur. elea.

model. 160. 40 Park-st 3tUIKBAKEH, Jlist overhauled, suit rr iTounuy worn or nire, great piuier, new tyres, spnre nm. a gut, ioi yuay-st. uaw.

lODOE, on. hniiils weokly, ns prv. chwp, or esc, larger uar. 101, em AIMLER, 22, nover changed hands; aiso If h.p.; Renault. 6 whee a.

a Chevrolet. sen-siarieT, suu agent; ounpeara, ifonge. 101 fcfuay-ss. SINflLE-SEATEHS, Fords, two Terr rholoa; Snxon, runabout! Renault, F.N., gift, at 125! D. Dion, 65; Standard.

HI Quay -at. 6288. MECHANICS. 06 for cyl b.p.,"aa French CAR wants touching up. lffl Quay-iit.

I2)W. KjfoS CYCLES. Alio EXCELSIOR, A.J. 8., WARATAH VILLIERS, and CLEVELAND Motor Cycles. Full details from th.

Sol. WILLIAMS LIMITED, 21, 7 Ellaab.Ui srnet, 'SYDNEY. 'Phones, City fMOfj snd Open Friday Nlghta. USTRALIAN SIX, 7 1D20 model, SC5. CHANDIR.

lat. model, good order, 600, OAKLAND DE LUXE, light touring, suit family, 206. FORD TOURING, axe, order trial, 200. ADLER, 8lngle-eatrr, suit Ladv or 27S. L111U.

W. RltlDEN, LIMITED, OamDerdown. BiDEN and HOBEUTB, H.y-lt, Sydney, facing Central Railway. fiullan Servlc. station.

TiTfKW BRITISlTTYRES, few left, in .11 id. an lauuca nis, nuHn-BT, A BINQDON, 8L gears, BokO, and drop frema, A pert, 2710. jMmoiid, VlllUrs-st. Kens' ton. INOfjK-SEATERB.

Hup U0, NaaSn CM, wihorrn Motor Vo.i 7U OnrgMt. 'i 'jujmagne. 7-3; Iloehllm, 7-3: Ouinllla. 7-8: 7-3: Ballanform, 70; n.7. i-fah iat.t ivnw.t-iT7 ii 7 'o, lv Miiuiuan.

M.fM fioVoV. i A AJ 5 5. ll0; 71J HIHi5 5VlT F1P- 9-10; Manchester, 6-1; Private Kinf, Persian Nan, Bonne Cliance, 7.12; Salrlni. 70; Prince Elect, 7-0; Miss Rodney, 7-0; Oolena, 7-9; Retlaw, 7-8; Possum, 7-8; Walnut. 7-7; Tom Llnnett, 7-7; Dynasty, 7-7; Zaimni, 7-7; Ethel Bayfield, 7-7: Tel el Jemmie, 7-7; Tartan Feather, 7-7; Hyplane.

7-7; Sybveil, 7-7: ln WOWldor, ou(ior, Y-r; ungnigrail, 7-7, Kene WLltton. 7-7; Sortor, 7-7, FORBES JOCKEY" CLUB. FORBES, Wednesday. Resulta of the second day't raclmr: Flving Handicap. All horses scratched.

sJakes- Ale, 7- (Reynolda). lay O'Grady, Pat Murillo, 7, 8. Bix itarter Winner 6 to I Time, lm 18 4-5. ilanalcap, lm. Out of Faablon, 8-10 vy.iuiiuB,, uunura-i son, a-a, a.

oniy starters. Winner evens. Time, lm 44 l-6s. Klyinit Welter, 8-2 (Wililams), 1: Mat teno, 0-8, 2. Only starters.

Winner to 4 011. Time. jm 3a. Farewell llandtcan. CAnn Dnhrt tt i- Wealth of Gold, 7-7, 1.

Only sUrtera. Winner 5 to 4 on. Time, lm 28 4.5s. ATHLETICS, SOUTH AFRICAN CHAMPIONS. The following South African athletic team to tour Australia and N'k k-- 1 .1..

Transvaal Amateur Vthletio k. Avres-IJoKtj-r nnlc -or H. Johnston 1 1 Mi iisvaau, ninsman natal 1. u. Ls-athtm iii ta 1 The first three men are sprinters and the other intn ynrl Imnr iean ouAnfu n4 01, Tuesday in th.

i '3," White WUlned the lOOydsonour; won CiJ. 'Z' "a.9 --curing tne nnai in .0 S-5a: and th nan nine ehamnlon. F. fiiiiHr i event winninn- in 9m ii i over th onrr-i "VraDiy ship of the East Sydney Club was secured by W. Pitt GOLF.

ALSTRALIAN CLCB. In connection with the professional golf match, which wUI be aved at kenalmrtu, t.ill i i7 patriotic object. It has been decided io nana a contrtbutions to the Warriors Day Fund. Kirkwoox awl Kant u-ni ho arid Carnegie Clarli, and play will commence at 10.30 CYCLING, Entries' will be accepted un till 6 fnT. mile handiL-ap and Uiree miles bcratcli race which will be decided by the City Club at the Kimi.

tfi.nitrhf BUSINESSES FOE SAIE 0E WANTED Two lines (about 14 words), 2: Saturdays. 26.1 (WMPLLTE and Up-to-date FUnNITUHis FACTOKVT Flllt lUUIVIII aVTL' cum Pi't-strcet, KbDON have had II aced the Jl.frf. Factory, comprising a ugle-story Brick Factory on Freehold Land, i DO. In brst-claas Hallway Suburb, doM to city. Thla fai tory has been eatabl shed p.7." 71 over eaiuo per annum, with a net prout of teoo ner t0 'ot InvestSlSn Plant la first-class and fully pped, machinery by Sii'nlSl.

fir "her. I. stoTk K'furnplv1 PARSDN3 and 92 PITT-STHEK'l'. EI.lKiv.r i 111.,.. "TO.VFECTIONKI1V, SOFT DRINKS.


Station Steps. XV everi rlT 10 rooms, suite JS.MTI.Ai'.,.?irB" beautifully 390 KhfJIDKNTIALS, FLATS, BUSINESSES, too msay to enumerate. Cull an inE 100 C0 146 William-street. -Pjione, Win. Buyers Financed.

ITTANTED to Mil. RFtl DKNTT 1 n7i. Mnl Wtehen, furnished In Rc4wocU, Mnple, aliil Mission, AxmlnsWr carpets, leaving Sydney. Any time after'a o'clock. Price 325 Ad- a.

mnuii-bireCT i-ost'Oincc. ESIDENTIAL: n.u, itrff lt. electrlo una aia- fully 5 lease, 'ideal home, cbeali rent. Rflnraln p.u otvn T. H.

DEMP8EY and 158 WUllara at D'huraL fl'IO those looking for FRUIT "GREENGROCERY, we have a very special busuiesa to offer. 225. terms. SCOTT and HARBISON. 58.

Hunter-street. L.UXEKS Financed. 1 money-maker, 87 Mixed Bu, 220. DUYERS Financed. 9 Rooms, suites, gas stove, 876: A rooms.

115, cheap; Gro- Bn.uuk ou. Dourse'UXT. aia TaRIVATK BALK. Fish Shrm. well.ann iTu aT nyl iaw, urocery, uoniecuonery nusmeas, affl, oeu M.

tre enormous tralHn, guaranteed, iood llJing 11 Dsraona. 220 to-dav. FOX. la Ch.FlnUl.rf rBESSMAKINO Business, splendid nadHooTgioa TKESHMARInQ Business, lendid nositlou, rood coniwciion, cneap, owner selling mrougn illness. tnut Mil this week.

Tloom 8, 196 aiaabeth rt. cllyT tLock of Mlect unique JJ poaltlon, showing good return, reasonable nrfce. 7 return, rea only. Ring William 1680. TJES1DENTIAL, 8 rmfc and kiCwelTTI XV rmnH nraflt.

PHm n.rt rBh good Price 400, part caah, had. on terms 11 requireo. a fteiieu-sireec, ning-a croas. FiVK Years' Lew. of Flni Plata, 8.O., 8 rent gas and e.L Included.

Immed. 20. floor. Furness-chambeni, King's Cross. Krluiiihurst.

R.PTIAL. D'hurrt, 7.m, pUlnl, o'Jgain, J. HEUSHLE AUKHUI. all Hllllam et, Darllnghlirst. rfMUJ.nil.iJ, rnafcjweu always lull, pieniy UMn- dear, to over rent.

205; rooms, fi, B8. flirt. 180. 558 Croirn.rt. EVIDENTIAL, 0 well always full, plenty Ben.

Kennedy, 80 Junetlon-st, North Sydney. N. 86. TJASTRYCOOK Buslneae for Sale. samehinds19 years.

Owner retiring. Good les n.Hij rvnn. gien. Apply TJ Airad-BTEF, tu, good tL to 0 Weekly price Loo position, takings a. to a Petemh.i TOR BALE.

aia r.iTun.iu. Petersham, elose to jonnaton-strees. KFWSPAPRR BLOCK AGENCY. Post. JP office! and General Store combined, llw premises

8TRUTT0N, P.O.. AbbotsforJ Point. tSoSDL-Corner, brlnki Fruit store, go, J3 Dwelling, lease, rent 86. Altogethar f28 General Store combined, also premises. stanger.

LMd ey-street. bondi. Residential, cheap rent, price pk" "St -SSirSSivS. HelMelltUl for Sale, 11 rooiTn lease, fn ly ftatahejOTvenlmt boat and surf, 2M. BeralJ. lease, 160. '2648, Herald, Cm vTbTBvirWrT; diHlTinv. must Mil. IJtnunilunery, offer accepted. niawarra rd, M'kvllle, -RnSiSTIAlj hUurant.

il jn; i and third. Time. i hmu I'- t'rPnX, aKhr rourtetn-nnp Hainlioap 10 Henri'). 1: Orfun. S- f.l.

Kiinr). 2: Colletre Girl. 7-3 i iit. i.f (A. Manion), jirer Btaners: h.lllliir, ireda Mem, Uttle Hnornirt, Roselta, Lily Tofua, Upsarionlike, Three 'fi Cheer.

Knlden Harn. Malt Arm. Princess Put. Enimnre, j-sAmbfr A.e. silver Ban, Young Itubv, Whyee, Mimer- 3 rtte.

Heltine: 3 KUintra, 7-2 AWia's DaiiRhter, Tifua, 0-2 Freda Field, 7 Orfan, 20 College WOlrl. 13 to 00 other. Paddock 811; 14, t- I-3'. and Iger 121; 13, 10fl, l'3 nd 1. Won by a head, length second and third.

pTimi lm 4js Kneoiiraue Stakes of sovs, flf. Abbe Srrihe, bv (imp. h-Smash, Rvrn, 7-10 (E. Wright), 5Hwli Kino, 8-5 (L. Montgomerj-).

Eppiroo, 7-13 (A. 3. Otlier surtf-rs: Lilac Domino, Antone, i'S Bern Rruttimell, Pearl Train, The Prince, Bonax, (folden Flaihf Kereela, Alice Soult, Annettie, tASell Bit. Blank Moth. Retting: 5-2 Abbe Scribe, Bau Brummcl, Sivry, Pearl Tniln, 7 Eppiroo.

14 'jHock r.lno. 10 to 20 otbfTi. Paddock 783; 2 and 10 0. Icer 52: 13', ii, and 12, 6. on by a head, three-quarters tecond and third.

Time, lm 7a. )i Victoria Park Handicap of 250 lm. Promised Lnr), bv Dark Ronnld Glenbloom, aged, 0-Q fj. Maxwell), 1: Rawden Lass, 9-3 (F. Ponton), telle, 7-5, irte, 1 over (E.

Frost), 3. Other starters: All Home, Dolena, Prince Elect, Salvln), Prince I LHW1, Sortor, Walnut, Rene Whitton, Flaveworth, .3 Prince Comedy, rVniora, Matlono, Sir Bursar, Machine If Boy, Uurel'lene, Nrdwood, Brightgraft, Bavfleld, hi Tartan Kinir Iron. Bettinir: 7-4 Promfaed f.j LaiJ'l, 5-2 All Home, 7 Rawden Lass, 8 Bartelie. 14 to ai nuim. raihiocK, W(; in, 14, and Irfirw, 5506; 11, 10, and Of.

Won br a lencrth arid a half, three-quarters second and Urir.l. Time, lm 1,5 Kourtmi-two Handicap of IPfl flf. Miss Itvl-f'A atone, by Charlcmairnc II. nmii.1 Lady Rvlstone. 13 4rrs, in (W.

Dawson), Karimpl, all. 7, curr. 6-12 (E. Gould), 5: Irish Jack, 8-10 A. Stanton), 3.

Other ihrten: Bright Bwim, Fainrh-B-Ballngh, Phntt Orell, ijj Dumb Show, Tfkumld, Mfsi Udy Butler, MIm Bona, Lady Field, Princess Lucretin, Skrltsan. Nerida, Dainty Joan, Athos, Alice Eaton, Pemnein, Clenella, floMen Kuture. Betting: 0-4 Mis Ryltone, 7-2 Faueh-ifi-Ballaeh, 4 Irish Jut-k, 8 Karimpl, 10 tn 20 others. Ik Padl.iclt, 747; 176. and P.

Leirer. o.0, 186, and 46. Won toy a lengtli, tail second and third. Time, lm 17s. QIKENSIjAND TURF CLUB.

WWS HOWEB WINS CUP. BKISRANK, The world dav'ii rnclnff of the Queensland 'I'nrf Clubl November Medina; took plauo at AiCot to-daj IB i tine weutliur. ItesoJla: Second Trial llandirap, 7f. Repilatloa, by Trenaady 7-9 (Shlplon), Tarinpi, 7-r 2: l-ndy Achillea, 0-8 (Watt), 3. Other tjrlert: fonrlvmwa.

Merry Chip, Treie, Sunbud, Defamation, The Bert, Kudorolt, Safronor, lion. Sale Day, Pat, norrMlna. Bettinir: Snniud, 4 Merry Chip, 7 Herniation, 8 Eudorolf, 10 loriiiveness, Ladv Achillea. Trelir. Nlnvne.

Ifi Jinnca. Won l.v a abort head, hall a lewnh "nJ Tlme' I 30,1 3' l-Ciiiereld Plate, by Seremond (Imp.) favt.7, 'M-j' 7-7 (). (Brrlgatiwn), 2, Bonnie -Waaa, 7-12 (Bennett), S. "'Cathy, Ercanll, Murillo Uun, Bettln: Tom McCarthy, 6 BftnnU MUnilO Ullh, ill "1 'hird. Time, lm 27..

winner was dismissed. aiSSL Dhu, by Duk. "amplirey Lochlel IK7.I. 3.b iL-i. Ken iint i.

lv X' (L. Berffstrom), Sycelte, -2 WalUcre, John Syce, Bunnamairoo. Urltllnr. co*ck. SU TfieS "-ting: TiaS ei.ala via Oockuil fell when I hit QUEENSLAND CUP, 2m.

i5'' 11 (Shlpton) 3 I Other starters: Golden Stiiuef A i. Am.L ISfPeyan, Ol, P.rMahS. aTKri. I' ilS- 8f i "Ksuua, salonian. IUIO. good llei, good Tub" near iiu atr-Tno 'aaS lnfn 5 Golden Sunset, 7 everything complete. 10 Thomas-st. Aahfleld. 'aathls.

9ti I ii.a nc 1" nuKamia, io uemer ifrtaS 26 1kli 88 Serarore, 60 Popular I 'Wre. Woirainla. who ran i'lTTf 'S WoirlSu. "whlTYa'n aalaht ih Ar. uw un for ih SS fjjjwho wToseirfoUoTdV MJS Wogamla waa still In th.

VT 'rom Serazore. Litre, and Ponular JJjUnxin. Wogamla was stIU in the van alone the SlW. half-mile was Joined Armscre. JL tne WV to Llln MMf then Sera! Wrl Was Cl0.eT follower! hv I 11 T.

eTPrlr jciT7 'flowed by Lawn Mower, Popu- tausht t.t ounc(. Armaore led Into the mXJS? Uwn rt sad won w.ii 1 rn "tne WreT Jffii n.m!?.nrt.!?th t0Di 25LM Then cim. Lit. P.S.Ilm' A. 5 sunset, Impeysn.

Wonml. 0 being Paridale and ropuiar Prince lost all rider rfcL WaanaoJ, Tune; 8m lis. 1U) W. I Handicap, H. Elpea, by Duke Humphrey TXA1KDRESSINQ, Tobacconist.

chain, mirrors, nt-ipf (Hourlaanl, Dave Brown, -Iltliurs. showcase, stock, take. C20, excel, 276. rtarten A 8-7 (Howe), 8. Bungess, Savings Bank Bourke-rt, Darllnghurst.

ftarteti" Wajfortl fl. wew). 8. nurgen, savings nourae-st, uarllngnurst. lubWroioS-'rtoV-mr rr" El, 8 Dave two lenShV hii'-n Cj 8s. Si thriiZTt I-effi runi. siartent rortaahell, "fooo, Crown Peach k. "ontrea. Bay Moon rSSS 4 1 "rum, "rS 'other? "th 1.

5, imin Tim, lm by Hrrani (HUl), JiNairu, 810 "earcase, SS (shlpton) bih.V J- 86. H. H. reek, an uitoro-st, raaauigton, 'Oleie, 'i, "mm. 8-2

JV 86. rent 1.. Agy 228 Oifd-rt. Path. K3 A Wo.b,, two BusW Um rnf-rgood main 128, Time, lm 41s.

JM. rent jVT276. fhllllpa, 58 Devoruhlre-st, city. 2 i. KENSINGTON RACIWn rt lm 'Ufadsffi 810 Fowssf.

tl Oolden I w. 8-7l Brookvale, rl.55 DurtS' tSrS't 444 sUaop4k. opp. Station. Mi AMllly.

M) Miss WMo lutervsW.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


How biased is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the most reputable newspaper in Australia? ›

Top Australian Newspapers
  • Herald Sun ...
  • The Daily Telegraph ...
  • The Courier-Mail ...
  • The Sydney Morning Herald ...
  • The West Australian ...
  • The Age

What is the purpose of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is it The Sydney Morning Herald or Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, Australia, and owned by Nine.

What is the most trusted news channel in Australia? ›

The ABC is Australia's most trusted source for news and information. For more than 90 years it has ensured audiences are informed and educated with impartial coverage of local, national and global affairs.

Who is The Sydney Morning Herald audience? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

What is the political stance of the Herald? ›

Political stance

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

What are the values of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Sydney Morning Herald Code of Ethics
  • Honesty. Herald staff will report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts. ...
  • Impartiality. ...
  • Fairness. ...
  • Independence. ...
  • Privacy. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Relevance. ...
  • Plagiarism.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read masthead, with more than 8.4 million readers across digital and print over the past 12 months. The Herald finished ahead of The Australian, which had an average readership of 4.4 million, while The Daily Telegraph has an average readership of 4 million.

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Who owns the Herald newspaper? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

Is the ABC biased in Australia? ›

The ABC has regularly been the subject of criticism from a number of quarters; there have been frequent allegations of bias in reporting, inappropriate programming, political appointments to the ABC Board and mismanagement of funds.

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

The primary conservative magazines in Australia are News Weekly, Quadrant and The Spectator Australia.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.