Serving the Planet: PG&E Completes Land Conservation Commitment, Permanently Protecting Nearly 140,000 Acres for Public Benefit (2024)

Serving the Planet: PG&E Completes Land Conservation Commitment, Permanently Protecting Nearly 140,000 Acres for Public Benefit

Company Announces New Pilot Projects Focusedon Forest Resilience

SANTAROSA, Calif., June 3, 2024/PRNewswire/ -- Today (June 3),Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) joined with federal,state, local, and tribal government officials and other partners atPepperwood Preserve to celebrate the fulfillment of its LandConservation Commitment, achieving permanent protection ofapproximately 140,000 acres of PG&E-owned watershed lands.These lands are now conserved for Californians, protecting habitatfor fish, wildlife and plants; open space and cultural resources;outdoor recreation by the general public; and sustainable forestryand agricultural uses.

Serving the Planet: PG&E Completes Land Conservation Commitment, Permanently Protecting Nearly 140,000 Acres for Public Benefit (1)

PG&E completed its unprecedented Land ConservationCommitment (or LCC) over about 20 years, developing uniqueconservation agreements and partnerships with private conservationgroups, Native American tribal organizations and the CaliforniaDepartment of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). PG&E and its LCC partners willprotect the lands in perpetuity for the benefit, education andenjoyment of the public.

Further demonstrating its commitment to the planet, PG&E isalso helping to build more resilient forests to reduce wildfirerisk through new pilot projects underway in a handful ofcommunities. The event was held at Pepperwood Preserve inSanta Rosa, the site of PG&E'sfirst 100% renewable remote electric grid, an innovation inwildfire mitigation.

"We're grateful for the partnerships formed over the past twodecades to protect these lands for the benefit and enjoyment ofCalifornians and its visitors. We're extremely proud knowing thatthese beautiful outdoor spaces will continue to thrive and survivefor future generations," said CarlaPeterman, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs andChief Sustainability Officer for PG&E Corporation.

Land Conservation Commitment

Arising from its 2003 bankruptcy settlement, PG&E's LCCpermanently protects approximately 140,000 acres of forests,wetlands and meadows across the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges bygranting conservation easem*nts to local land trusts and donatingland not needed for PG&E operations. Some 40,000 acres weretransferred to local organizations while PG&E retains ownershipof 100,000 acres. (See a map of locations and list oftransactions.)

Additionally, PG&E's commitment included $30 million of dedicated funding for youthinvestment and $70 million for landconservation.

Among the land conservation transfers:

  • A 62-acre parcel located on the shores of Lake Valley Reservoirin Placer County, known as the SkyMountain Outdoor Education Center, to the San Joaquin Office ofEducation to serve as a camp for underserved youth. WildlifeHeritage Foundation maintains the conservation easem*nt.
  • Nearly 15,000 acres of land in Shasta, Nevada and Placer counties to CALFIRE for forest research, restoration and public recreation.The land is managed in partnership with the Shasta Land Trust, BearYuba Land Trust and Placer Land Trust — which hold conservationeasem*nts on the properties ensuring that the scenic, open space,forest, wildlife habitat, recreation, and historic and culturalvalues are protected for the benefit of all Californians.
  • 879 acres of property to the Potter Valley Tribe inMendocino County (and aconservation easem*nt over the lands to Mendocino Land Trust) alongthe Eel River, including forested land and much of Trout CreekWatershed, allowing the tribe to own ancestral land for traditionalland management and to provide outdoor activities for youth andeducate others about the history and culture of Native Americanpeople.

Potter Valley Tribal Chair SalvadorRosales explained why receiving the transfer of land withinthe tribe's ancestral range is so significant.

"It's the freedom to exercise our tribal and culturaltraditions, including hunting and gathering, without looking overour shoulders," said Rosales. "The excitement is being able to takeour younger generation, our children, and have them more or lessidentify their new land and say that it's ours."

Rosales said plans for the property include expanding culturaleducational programs for youth, including camping and vocationaltraining.

Partnering for Resilient Forests

A critical part of protecting California's land and communities is makingforests more resilient to wildfires and other climate impacts.

"Climate change is not slowing down, and neither can we. We mustlook toward the future and focus on improving the health of ourforests to decrease wildfire risk and make our communities safer,"said Peterman.

PG&E has launched local pilot projects with various partnersto reduce wildfire risk by better managing forest fuels whilesupporting community needs.

Among the pilot projects underway:

  • In Tuolumne County, workingwith American Forest Foundation andthe county to restore forest health on private lands throughtargeted forest treatments.
  • In Butte County, partneringwith the Butte County Fire SafeCouncil, California Department of Water Resources and CAL FIRE to treat PG&E-owned and adjacentland in high-fire risk locations.
  • In Sonoma County, working withthe Northern Sonoma County FireFoundation to support fuel reduction around roadside rights-of-wayto improve safety on a key evacuation route.

All of the projects will benefit customers, the state and forestecosystems.

Pepperwood Preserve Remote Grid Innovation

One way to build forest resilience is through technology andinnovation. Pepperwood Preserve, which hosted the LCC event, ishome to PG&E's first fully renewable remote grid, deployed lastyear in November, and part of PG&E's growing fleet ofstandalone power systems aimed at reducing wildfire risk.

As described in PG&E'sWildfire Mitigation Plan, remotegrids provide utility service using standalone local energyresources, replacing long distribution lines in remote and highfire-risk areas with an innovative and safer option.

Pepperwood Preserve, set in the idyllic Mayacamas Mountainswithin the traditional homeland of the Wappo people,is aliving laboratory for crafting climate and wildfire solutionsgrounded in conservation science. The 3,200-acre property is animportant refuge for more than 900 species of native plants andwildlife and was directly impacted by both the Tubbs and KincadeFires.

Pepperwood is a hub for climatemonitoring, applied research, science education, and wildfireresilience demonstration projects, such as the nowextensiveALERTWildfirecamera network. The site's remotegrid powers Pepperwood'sBechtel House, which housesovernight visitors.

About PG&E

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&ECorporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electricutility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 squaremiles in Northern and CentralCalifornia. For more information, visit

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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Serving the Planet: PG&E Completes Land Conservation Commitment, Permanently Protecting Nearly 140,000 Acres for Public Benefit (3)

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.