New data presented at ATS 2024 show the potential of TEZSPIRE to play a role in the future treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2024)

New data presented at ATS 2024 show the potential of TEZSPIRE to play a role in the future treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Late-breaking results from the Phase IIaCOURSE trial provide insight into TEZSPIRE’s impact on COPDexacerbations in patients with a broad range of eosinophillevels

The Phase IIa COURSE trial was a proof-of-concept study inpeople with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD) with a broad range of blood eosinophil counts (BEC)and irrespective of emphysema, chronic bronchitis or smokingstatus.1 The primary results showed that treatment withAstraZeneca and Amgen’s TEZSPIRE® (tezepelumab) led to a17% numerical reduction in the annual rate of moderate or severeCOPD exacerbations compared to placebo at week 52, which was notstatistically significant (90% CI (Confidence Interval): -6, 36], p[1-sided]=0.1042).1 The results are being presented atthe American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference.

Importantly, in patients with BEC ≥150 cells/µL, tezepelumab ledto a nominally significant reduction of 37% in the rate of moderateor severe exacerbations compared to placebo.1 Studiessuggest that approximately 65% of bio-eligible patients with COPDhave a BEC greater than or equal to 150 cells/μL.2 Inpatients with BEC ≥300 cells/µL tezepelumab led to a numericalreduction of 46% in the rate of moderate or severeexacerbations.1 (Table 1.)

Dr Dave Singh, Professor of Respiratory Pharmacology at theUniversity of Manchester and lead investigator on the trial, said:“I believe that biologics will play a critical role in the futurecare of COPD and trials such as the tezepelumab COURSE trial arecentral to understanding and shaping the treatment landscape. Thetezepelumab COURSE results are particularly important as they showactivity in COPD across a broad patient population including thosewith baseline blood eosinophil counts greater than 150cells/μL.”

Sharon Barr, Executive Vice President, BioPharmaceuticalsR&D, AstraZeneca, said: “These proof-of-concept results fromthe COURSE trial are encouraging as they signal the potentialefficacy of tezepelumab in a broad range of people with COPDirrespective of emphysema, chronic bronchitis and smoking status.As a result of these promising data, we are actively in Phase IIIplanning for tezepelumab in COPD.”

A subgroup analysis of the COURSE trial also showed treatmentwith tezepelumab resulted in numerical improvements in lungfunction as measured by forced expiratory volume (FEV1)(improvement of 63mL and 146mL in BEC ≥150 and ≥300 cells/μLrespectively, compared to placebo) and in quality of life asmeasured by the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) score(reduction of 4.2 points and 9.5 points in BEC ≥150 and ≥300cells/μL respectively).1 The safety and tolerabilityprofile for tezepelumab was consistent with its approved severeasthma indication; the most frequently reported (>10%) adverseevents for tezepelumab were worsening of COPD (12.1%) and incidentsof COVID-19 infections (14.5%) (this trial commenced in July2019).1 (Table 2.)

COURSE Phase IIa analysis:

Table 1: Tezepelumab impact on COPD exacerbations versusplacebo over 52 weeks1

Reduction in exacerbations compared toplacebo

Annualized rate ofexacerbations

Moderate or severeexacerbations

Overall population (n=333)

17% (90% CI: -6, 36)

1.75 in tezepelumab group versus 2.11 inplacebo group

BEC less than 150 cells/μL(n=137)

-19% (95% CI: -90, 25)

2.04 in tezepelumab group versus 1.71 inplacebo group

BEC greater than or equal to 150cells/μL (n=196)

37% (95% CI: 7, 57)

1.52 in tezepelumab group versus 2.40 inplacebo group

BEC greater than or equal to 300cells/μL (n=56)

46% (95% CI: -15, 75)

1.20 in tezepelumab group versus 2.24 inplacebo group

Severe exacerbations

Overall population (n=333)

48% (95% CI: -11, 76)

0.13 in tezepelumab group versus 0.25 inplacebo group

Table 2: Tezepelumab impact on quality of life and lungfunction versus placebo over 52 weeks1

Lung function as measured bypre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume (FEV1, µL)

Quality of life improvement as measuredby St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) score


(n)/LS Mean




LS mean


(95% CI)


(n)/LS Mean




LS mean


(95% CI)

BEC less than 150cells/μL



0.051 (-0.012,0.114)



-1.62 (-6.69, 3.45)

BEC greater than or equal to150 cells/μL



0.063 (0.009, 0.116)



-4.23 (-8.51, 0.06)

BEC counts greater than orequal to 300 cells/μL



0.146 (0.044, 0.248)



-9.53 (-18.11, -0.96)


TEZSPIRE® (tezepelumab)


Known hypersensitivity to tezepelumab-ekko or excipients.


Hypersensitivity Reactions

Hypersensitivity reactions were observed in the clinical trials(eg, rash and allergic conjunctivitis) following the administrationof TEZSPIRE. Postmarketing cases of anaphylaxis have been reported.These reactions can occur within hours of administration, but insome instances have a delayed onset (ie, days). In the event of ahypersensitivity reaction, consider the benefits and risks for theindividual patient to determine whether to continue or discontinuetreatment with TEZSPIRE.

Acute Asthma Symptoms or Deteriorating Disease

TEZSPIRE should not be used to treat acute asthma symptoms,acute exacerbations, acute bronchospasm, or status asthmaticus.

Abrupt Reduction of Corticosteroid Dosage

Do not discontinue systemic or inhaled corticosteroids abruptlyupon initiation of therapy with TEZSPIRE. Reductions incorticosteroid dose, if appropriate, should be gradual andperformed under the direct supervision of a physician. Reduction incorticosteroid dose may be associated with systemic withdrawalsymptoms and/or unmask conditions previously suppressed by systemiccorticosteroid therapy.

Parasitic (Helminth) Infection

It is unknown if TEZSPIRE will influence a patient’s responseagainst helminth infections. Treat patients with pre-existinghelminth infections before initiating therapy with TEZSPIRE. Ifpatients become infected while receiving TEZSPIRE and do notrespond to anti-helminth treatment, discontinue TEZSPIRE untilinfection resolves.

Live Attenuated Vaccines

The concomitant use of TEZSPIRE and live attenuated vaccines hasnot been evaluated. The use of live attenuated vaccines should beavoided in patients receiving TEZSPIRE.


The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥3%) arepharyngitis, arthralgia, and back pain.


There are no available data on TEZSPIRE use in pregnant women toevaluate for any drug-associated risk of major birth defects,miscarriage, or other adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. Placentaltransfer of monoclonal antibodies such as tezepelumab-ekko isgreater during the third trimester of pregnancy; therefore,potential effects on a fetus are likely to be greater during thethird trimester of pregnancy.


TEZSPIRE is indicated for the add-on maintenance treatment ofadult and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older with severeasthma.

TEZSPIRE is not indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasmor status asthmaticus.

Please see full Prescribing Information,including Patient Information and Instructionsfor Use.

You may report side effects related to AstraZenecaproducts.


COURSE Phase IIa trial

COURSE was a Phase IIa multicentre, randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled, parallel group trial designed to evaluate thesafety and efficacy of tezepelumab in adults with moderate to verysevere chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) receivingtriple inhaled maintenance therapy, and having had two or moredocumented COPD exacerbations in the 12 months prior to Visit 1. Atotal of 337 patients were randomized globally, with patientsstratified by region and prior number of exacerbations (two vs.three or more). Patients received tezepelumab 420 mg, or placebo,administered via subcutaneous injection at the trial site everyfour weeks over a 52-week treatment period. The trial included apost-treatment follow-up period of 12 weeks.1,3

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD refers to a group of lung diseases, including chronicbronchitis and emphysema, that cause airflow blockage andbreathing-related problems.4 COPD is the third leadingcause of death due to chronic disease and the sixth leading causeof mortality in the United States. COPD accounts for the majorityof chronic lower respiratory mortality in the US at 150,000 deathsper year, and data suggests patients with COPD are, on average, 50times more likely to die from their condition compared to thosewith asthma.5,6

The lungs and heart are fundamentally linked and worktogether.7 COPD mechanisms elevate the risk of both lungand heart events, including severe or even fatal COPD exacerbationsand cardiac events, known as cardiopulmonary risk.8-11Approximately 1 in 5 patients with COPD will die within a year oftheir first hospitalization for an exacerbation, and pulmonary andcardiac events are a key driver of mortality and the most commonreasons for death in patients with COPD.8,12-14


TEZSPIRE (tezepelumab) is being developed by AstraZeneca incollaboration with Amgen as a first-in-class human monoclonalantibody that inhibits the action of TSLP, a key epithelialcytokine that sits at the top of multiple inflammatory cascades andis critical in the initiation and persistence of allergic,eosinophilic and other types of airway inflammation associated withsevere asthma, including airwayhyperresponsiveness.15,16 TEZSPIRE is approved in theUS, EU, Japan and other countries for the treatment of severeasthma.17-19

Amgen collaboration

In 2020, Amgen and AstraZeneca updated a 2012 collaborationagreement for TEZSPIRE. Both companies will continue to share costsand profits equally after payment by AstraZeneca of a midsingle-digit inventor royalty to Amgen. AstraZeneca continues tolead development and Amgen continues to lead manufacturing. Allaspects of the collaboration are under the oversight of jointgoverning bodies. Under the amended agreement, Amgen andAstraZeneca will jointly commercialize TEZSPIRE in North America.Amgen will record product sales in the US, with AZ recording itsshare of US profits as Collaboration Revenue. Outside of the US,AstraZeneca will record product sales, with Amgen recording profitshare as Other/Collaboration revenue.

In addition, we are also collaborating with AstraZeneca onAMG104/AZD8630, an inhaled anti-TSLP compound currently indevelopment for asthma. In November 2021, Amgen and AstraZenecaagreed to include AMG 104 / AZD8630 in the existing collaborationagreement. The companies share both costs and income, with noinventor royalty. AstraZeneca will be the development,manufacturing and commercial lead. AstraZeneca and Amgen willjointly commercialize AMG 104 / AZD8630 in North America, andAstraZeneca will distribute the product and book sales globally,including for the US.

Respiratory & Immunology

Respiratory & Immunology, part of BioPharmaceuticals, is oneof AstraZeneca’s main disease areas and is a key growth driver forthe Company.

AstraZeneca is an established leader in respiratory care with a50-year heritage. The Company aims to transform the treatment ofasthma and COPD by focusing on earlier biology-led treatment,eliminating preventable asthma attacks, and removing COPD as atop-three leading cause of death. The Company’s early respiratoryresearch is focused on emerging science involving immunemechanisms, lung damage and abnormal cell-repair processes indisease and neuronal dysfunction.

With common pathways and underlying disease drivers acrossrespiratory and immunology, AstraZeneca is following the sciencefrom chronic lung diseases to immunology-driven disease areas. TheCompany’s growing presence in immunology is focused on five mid- tolate-stage franchises with multi-disease potential, in areasincluding rheumatology (including systemic lupus erythematosus),dermatology, gastroenterology, and systemic eosinophilic-drivendiseases. AstraZeneca’s ambition in Respiratory & Immunology isto achieve disease modification and durable remission for millionsof patients worldwide.

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical companythat focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization ofprescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases andBioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal &Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Based in Cambridge,UK, AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries, and its innovativemedicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For moreinformation, please visit and follow us onsocial media @AstraZeneca.


  1. Singh D, et al. Tezepelumab in adults with moderate tovery severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): efficacyand safety from the phase 2a COURSE study. American ThoracicSociety (ATS) 2024. May 2024.
  2. Data on File REF-228444 – Blood Eosinophil Count in 65% COPDpatients.
  3. Tezepelumab COPD Exacerbation Study(COURSE) [Online]. Available at: [Last accessed:May 2024].
  4. GOLD. Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management andPrevention of COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive LungDisease (GOLD), 2023. [Online]. Available at:[Last accessed: May 2024].
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). LeadingCauses of Death. United States: CDC; January 17, 2024, [Lastaccessed: May 2024].
  6. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH). Learn MoreBreathe Better: United States: NIH. [Last accessed: May2024].
  7. American Lung Association. Your Heart and Lungs: TheUltimate Relationship (2023) Available at: [Last accessed:May 2024].
  8. Ho TW, Tsai YJ, Ruan SY, et al. In-Hospital and One-YearMortality and Their Predictors in Patients Hospitalized forFirst-Ever Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations: ANationwide Population-Based Study. PLOS ONE. 2014; 9 (12):e114866.
  9. Donaldson GC et al. Increased risk of myocardialinfarction and stroke following exacerbation of COPD. Chest.2010;137:1091-1097;9-2029.
  10. Watz H et al. Spirometric changes during exacerbationsof COPD: A post hoc analysis of the WISDOM trial. RespirRes. 2018;19(1):251.
  11. Suissa S et al. Long-term natural history of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease: severe exacerbations and mortality.Thorax. 2012;67(11):957-963.
  12. Lindenauer PK, Dharmarajan K, Qin L, et al. RiskTrajectories of Readmission and Death in the First Year AfterHospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am JRespir Crit Care Med. 2018 Apr 15;197(8):1009-1017.
  13. García-Sanz MT, Cánive-Gómez JC, Senín-Rial L, et al.One-year and long-term mortality in patients hospitalized forchronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Thorac Dis.2017; 9 (3): 636‐645. doi:10.21037/jtd.2017.03.34.
  14. Mannino DM et al. Global Initiative on Obstructive LungDisease (GOLD) classification of lung disease and mortality:findings from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.Respir Med. 2006;100: pp.115-122.
  15. Corren J, et al. Tezepelumab in adults with uncontrolledasthma [supplementary appendix; updated April 18, 2019]. N EnglJ Med. 2017;377:936-946.
  16. Varricchi G, et al. Thymic Stromal LymphopoietinIsoforms, Inflammatory Disorders, and Cancer. Front Immunol.2018;9:1595.
  17. AstraZeneca plc. Tezspire (tezepelumab) approved in theUS for severe asthma. Available at:[Last accessed: May 2024].
  18. AstraZeneca plc. Tezspire approved in the EU for thetreatment of severe asthma. 2022. Available at:[Last accessed: May 2024].
  19. AstraZeneca plc. Tezspire approved in Japan for thetreatment of severe asthma. Available at:[Last accessed: May 2024].

New data presented at ATS 2024 show the potential of TEZSPIRE to play a role in the future treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1)

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SoftBank is financially contributing, negotiating with...","one_line_short_text":"\nArm Holdings (NASDAQ:ARM) – SoftBank is collaborating with Arm to develop AI chips, aiming to start mass production in 2025. SoftBank is...","link":"https:\/\/\/market-news\/article\/7194\/arm-sets-2025-target-for-ai-chip-development-amazon-and-microsoft-commit-billions-to-french-investments-and-more","source":"IH Market News","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/ihmarketnews.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1715598963,"date":"Mon May 13, 2024 ","time":"7:16 AM (1 week ago)","full_date":"May 13, 2024 7:16 AM","post_time":"May 13 2024","article_id":93833851,"source_id":"ihmarketnews","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"Cellectis Announces Completion of the Additional Equity Investment\u00a0by AstraZeneca","short_text":"Completion of the additional equity investment of $140M by AstraZeneca, as previously announced on November 1 and 15, 2023 NEW YORK, May 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cellectis (Euronext Growth:...","one_line_short_text":"Completion of the additional equity investment of $140M by AstraZeneca, as previously announced on November 1 and 15, 2023 NEW YORK, May 06, 2024...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/NASDAQ\/AZN\/stock-news\/93779621\/cellectis-announces-completion-of-the-additional-e","source":"GlobeNewswire Inc.","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/globe.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714975200,"date":"Mon May 06, 2024 ","time":"2:00 AM (2 weeks ago)","full_date":"May 6, 2024 2:00 AM","post_time":"May 06 2024","article_id":93779621,"source_id":"globe","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"CALQUENCE combination regimen demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in progression-free survival in 1st-line mantle cell lymphoma in ECHO Phase III trial","short_text":"\nFirst BTK inhibitor to show favorable trend in overall survival vs. standard-of-care chemoimmunotherapy in this setting Positive high-level results from an interim analysis of the ECHO Phase III...","one_line_short_text":"\nFirst BTK inhibitor to show favorable trend in overall survival vs. standard-of-care chemoimmunotherapy in this setting Positive high-level...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/NASDAQ\/AZN\/stock-news\/93765947\/calquence-combination-regimen-demonstrated-statist","source":"Business Wire","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/bw.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714647600,"date":"Thu May 02, 2024 ","time":"7:00 AM (3 weeks ago)","full_date":"May 2, 2024 7:00 AM","post_time":"May 02 2024","article_id":93765947,"source_id":"bw","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"AstraZeneca unveils latest research across key respiratory and immune-mediated diseases at ATS 2024 showcasing strength of its broad pipeline and portfolio","short_text":"\nNew data for TEZSPIRE and BREZTRI demonstrate AstraZeneca\u2019s innovation and commitment to transform care in COPD AstraZeneca will showcase new clinical and real-world data across its leading...","one_line_short_text":"\nNew data for TEZSPIRE and BREZTRI demonstrate AstraZeneca\u2019s innovation and commitment to transform care in COPD 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Meeting\nPR...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/NASDAQ\/AZN\/stock-news\/93714682\/abelzeta-announces-abstract-for-c-car031-accepted","source":"PR Newswire (US)","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/prnus.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714046400,"date":"Thu Apr 25, 2024 ","time":"8:00 AM (4 weeks ago)","full_date":"April 25, 2024 8:00 AM","post_time":"April 25 2024","article_id":93714682,"source_id":"prnus","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"U.S. Futures Drop in Pre-Market Trading as Tech Stocks Plunge After Meta Issues Gloomy Forecast","short_text":"\nU.S. index futures fell in pre-market trading on Thursday, particularly technology stocks, which saw a significant depreciation after Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META) announced disheartening...","one_line_short_text":"\nU.S. index futures fell in pre-market trading on Thursday, particularly technology stocks, which saw a significant depreciation after 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first-quarter...","link":"https:\/\/\/market-news\/article\/6996\/southwest-shares-tumble-9-6-post-231-million-1q-loss-astrazeneca-surges-on-19-annual-increase-and-more-on-earnings","source":"IH Market News","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/ihmarketnews.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714045966,"date":"Thu Apr 25, 2024 ","time":"7:52 AM (4 weeks ago)","full_date":"April 25, 2024 7:52 AM","post_time":"April 25 2024","article_id":93714475,"source_id":"ihmarketnews","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"Q1 2024 results","short_text":"\nVery strong revenue and EPS growth in the first quarter coupled with exciting pipeline delivery AstraZeneca: Revenue and EPS summary \u00a0 \u00a0 Q1 2024 % Change $m Actual CER1 - Product Sales 12,177 15...","one_line_short_text":"\nVery strong revenue and EPS growth in the first quarter coupled with exciting pipeline delivery AstraZeneca: Revenue and EPS summary \u00a0 \u00a0 Q1 2024...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/NASDAQ\/AZN\/stock-news\/93710475\/q1-2024-results","source":"Business Wire","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/bw.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714024800,"date":"Thu Apr 25, 2024 ","time":"2:00 AM (4 weeks ago)","full_date":"April 25, 2024 2:00 AM","post_time":"April 25 2024","article_id":93710475,"source_id":"bw","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"IMFINZI\u00ae (durvalumab) plus chemotherapy doubled overall survival rate at three years for patients with advanced biliary tract cancer in TOPAZ-1 Phase III trial","short_text":"\nLongest survival follow-up ever reported for immunotherapy treatment in this setting Updated exploratory results from the TOPAZ-1 Phase III trial showed AstraZeneca\u2019s IMFINZI\u00ae (durvalumab) in...","one_line_short_text":"\nLongest survival follow-up ever reported for immunotherapy treatment in this setting Updated exploratory results from the TOPAZ-1 Phase III trial...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/NASDAQ\/AZN\/stock-news\/93663305\/imfinzi-durvalumab-plus-chemotherapy-doubled-over","source":"Business Wire","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/bw.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1713265200,"date":"Tue Apr 16, 2024 ","time":"7:00 AM (1 month ago)","full_date":"April 16, 2024 7:00 AM","post_time":"April 16 2024","article_id":93663305,"source_id":"bw","media_url":null,"press_release":true}],"Preferred Contributors": ""}},created: function () {this.loaded = true;Vue.nextTick(function(){});}});});

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New data presented at ATS 2024 show the potential of TEZSPIRE to play a role in the future treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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