Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (2024)

This page focuses on the relationships of Eugene Porter.


  • 1 Abraham Ford
  • 2 Rosita Espinosa
  • 3 Tara Chambler
  • 4 Glenn Rhee
  • 5 Sasha Williams
  • 6 Rick Grimes
  • 7 Maggie Rhee
  • 8 Gabriel Stokes
  • 9 Daryl Dixon
  • 10 Aiden Monroe
  • 11 Nicholas
  • 12 Dwight
  • 13 Negan Smith
  • 14 Frankie
  • 15 Tanya
  • 16 Regina
  • 17 Simon
  • 18 Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki
  • 19 Nabila
  • 20 Maxxine Porter
  • 21 Carol Peletier
  • 22 Juanita Sanchez

Abraham Ford[]

Thank you for your protection... I almost certainly needed it between here and Houston but your services are no longer required. The truth, plain and honest. You've outlived your usefulness to me.

―Eugene scolding Abraham after saving him from a walker.[src]

Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (1)

Abraham is seen to be Eugene's escort to Washington, D.C. It is seen that Eugene feels a superiority complex over Abraham, because he considers himself to be smarter than Abraham. However, Abraham does not appear to be that angry over the disabling of their vehicle, despite it being caused by Eugene's poor riflemanship from his failed attempt to kill some walkers. Abraham was willing to do anything to protect Eugene, up until the latter finally revealed that he is not a scientist and doesn't know how to stop the plague, completely severing their friendship and partnership, as Abraham beats Eugene almost to death. Despite this, Abraham still preserves Eugene's life when he knocks a bottle of water he found on the road from his hand, fearing it could be poisoned.

Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (2)

Their friendship is repaired while visiting an unconscious Tara - Eugene apologizes for his lie as Abraham apologizes for almost killing him, and they both seem to return to being friends. However, in "Twice as Far" when Abraham saves him from being bitten by a walker whose head is drenched in liquid metal, Eugene scolds him as he could have killed it himself and that he no longer needs Abraham's protection but the two repair their relationship after Eugene helps save Rosita and Daryl from the Saviors by creating a diversion and biting Dwight in the crotch, taking a bullet during the firefight as well.

Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (3)

When Eugene volunteers himself as a diversion to get Maggie to Hilltop, Abraham and he share a touching moment of reminiscence, and they hug. Upon Abraham's execution, Eugene is utterly devastated by the loss of his mentor, protector, and best friend. Eugene will later help carry his body to the RV.

Despite having witnessed his brutal death at the hands of Negan, Eugene eventually sides with the Saviors to ensure his own survival, essentially betraying all that Abraham had done for him by siding with the ones who had killed him. However, he would later be essential in taking down the Saviors after sabotaging their bullets.

Rosita Espinosa[]

Rosita, I wouldn't be the man I am today, if I hadn't met you.

―Eugene to Rosita as she is dying.[src]

As traveling companions, it can be assumed that they have a stable friendship. However, in "Us", Rosita is annoyed at Eugene's lack of navigational skills. Eugene is also mentioned by Abraham to be attracted to Rosita, as he watches her and Abraham together quite often. After finding out Eugene is a liar, Rosita stood up for him, protecting him from Abraham's wrath, proving that she does see him as a friend. She also works to reconcile Abraham and Eugene's relationship, showing a level of compassion.

As the two continued to survive the apocalypse alongside each other, Rosita began to look down on Eugene, doubting his capabilities due to his awkward and cowardly nature; this was especially evident during the machete lessons she had been conducting with the Alexandria residents in "Heads Up", where she lectured him on fear, and in "No Way Out", where she decided that Eugene was not capable of fighting. He soon proved to her that he was indeed a capable fighter during the herd massacre. It is assumed that she now treats Eugene with more respect as a survivor.

When Eugene is taken by the Saviors after Rosita attempts to kill Negan, Rosita is devastated and pleads for her to be taken instead. When Rosita and Sasha attempt to rescue Eugene, he declines to join them and retreats to the Sanctuary. Rosita is angered at his betrayal, destroying whatever friendship they had.

In "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", Rosita seethes as Eugene attempts to convince Rick and the other Alexandrians to surrender. Despite her hatred, she turns her head away as she attempts to detonate the explosives seemingly planted next to Eugene, not wishing to see the results.In "Time for After", Eugene no longer considers Rosita or anyone else as his friends, as he shows full loyalty to Negan.

In "Worth", Eugene is captured by Rosita and Daryl and he attempts to explain himself to his former friend. However, Rosita is too angry and betrayed to listen and states that all Eugene did is betray the only friends he ever had and will now be locked up and used only for his brain. Eugene vomits on Rosita, escapes and appears more determined than ever in his Savior loyalty after their encounter.

In "Wrath", when Eugene falls into trouble from Regina and a few other Saviors, Rosita saves his life, protecting Eugene once again. In the aftermath of the battle, Eugene admits that he sabotaged the Savior weapons to help the Militia, having been inspired to help by the things Rosita said to him when she had him prisoner. Rosita punches him in the face for vomiting on her, but otherwise appears to forgive Eugene's actions.

At some point, Eugene developed feelings for Rosita and tried to confess them in "Who Are You Now?", though she stopped him from doing so. He was also willing to sacrifice himself so Rosita could get away from the herd. Season 10 Eugene still tries to show Rosita how much he cares about her and even hoping one day they can become a couple. However in episode "Ghosts" Rosita snaps at him saying they will never be a couple from being tired from killing walkers all day and just tired of trying to tell him. This time however this message gets to Eugene this time. And despite being sad about it, he accepts it.

In "Rest in Peace", Eugene is the first to discover that Rosita has been bitten and is absolutely devastated. Eugene admits that he loves Rosita who returns the sentiment. Eugene is at Rosita's bedside when she dies and is the one to prevent her reanimation with Rosita telling Eugene that she's glad that it's going to be him. A year later, Eugene continues to mourn his lost friend, visiting her memorial.

Tara Chambler[]

Thank God nothing happened to your hair.

―Tara to Eugene[src]

Eugene has a very close relationship with Tara. Upon meeting and traveling with Tara, Eugene is shown to take an interest in Tara in "Us" where he talks to her about video games. Later when Abraham decides to let Tara and Glenn go through the tunnels alone, Eugene confesses to Tara he finds her "seriously hot", she tells him that she's a lesbian and he claims he already knew, although it is unclear if he was being truthful. Later, Eugene decides he has to know if Glenn and Tara made it out of the tunnels alive and he tricks Rosita into going to the tunnel exit to find out.

Eugene and Tara interact several times throughout the journey to Terminus, Gabriel's Church and the road to Washington. Eugene confides in Tara that he was the one to disable the bus carrying them to Washington, and despite her best judgement, Tara keeps his secret. Tara does appear stunned to learn Eugene lied but is actually more sympathetic towards him than the others, as he had little survival skills and lying was the best he could do.

During their time at Alexandria, Eugene goes on a run with Glenn, Tara, Noah, with two Alexandria residents to find a device that would restore power to Alexandria. Tara is severely injured in an explosion, and due to his new found friendship with Tara, Eugene has a change of demeanor. He vowed to Glenn that he'd keep Tara safe, and surrounded by walkers, Eugene picks Tara up and exits the warehouse in which they'd entered to find the device; killing walkers as he brings her to the van outside. He has also been shown to visit Tara several times while under medical care. When he sees Tara awake in "First Time Again", he was struck with happiness.

As the series has progressed they have spent less time interacting with each other. It is assumed that Eugene still cares for Tara and their relationship remains healthy.

Glenn Rhee[]

Eugene seems to appreciate and has a neutral relationship with Glenn. Eugene decides he has to know if Glenn and Tara made it out of the tunnels alive and he tricks Rosita into going to the tunnel exit to find out. Glenn gave him his own riot gear to increase Eugene's odds of surviving the journey to the capital. Even after learning about Eugene's lie, he still tries to protect him from Abraham. Eugene later accompanies Glenn on a supply run after arriving at Alexandria and they appear to be on good terms now. Eugene was horrified and reduced to a sobbing wreck, covering his eyes as Negan killed Glenn. Despite this, he betrayed Glenn as well as Abraham by joining the Saviors, who are responsible for their deaths.

Sasha Williams[]

When they first met, Sasha appeared to be stunned to hear that Eugene knew what caused the outbreak and agreed to accompany him and Abraham to Washington. However, Sasha still appeared skeptical as she demanded he tell her what the cure was and how it worked. Eugene did, but nevertheless Sasha still protected Eugene from the walkers in their escape from Terminus. It is unknown how Sasha reacted to Eugene's lie, but she seems to be on neutral ground with him regardless.

When Eugene revealed to Sasha his new alliance with the Saviors, Sasha was taken aback. After she was captured, Eugene visited her in her cell, sharing his reasons for switching sides and recommending she do the same for her own safety. When she requested a tool to aid in her "suicide", Eugene was reluctant but eventually relented, slipping suicide pills he had made earlier under the door. Despite allowing Sasha a way out, he shows great sorrow at her choice to consider suicide, showing that he still somewhat cared for her well-being.When Eugene comes across the coffin used to transport Sasha, having vivid and disturbing flashbacks to her shocking reveal as a walker, feeling saddened of her death. Despite this, he blames Sasha's downfalls on their choices of doing the "right thing".

Rick Grimes[]

Eugene and Rick have a good relationship. Though they haven't interacted much, Eugene seems to respect Rick's abilities as a leader, trusting Rick's plan to kill Gareth and the Hunters despite the plan involving using himself as bait. He was also present when Rick announced his desire to find Noah's home community in Richmond, Virginia, and when they arrived in Alexandria followed, through with his plan to stay in one house rather than be divided among themselves in case Alexandria was more than it appeared. In "First Time Again", Rick saved Eugene from being killed by Carter.

Later in the series, Eugene proved himself to be a valuable member of the community in Rick's eyes, most prominently shown in his talent for creating bullets. After offering to divert the Saviors' attention to himself for the safety of the group en route to the Hilltop, Eugene handed over the recipe for bullet-crafting to Rick, entrusting him with his methods in the event that he is killed.

After Eugene was taken by the Saviors and spent time in their main compound, he returned to Rick a changed man, having wholeheartedly sided with the Saviors to ensure his own safety. Rick was visibly struck by his betrayal.Later at the assault of the Saviors compound, Eugene attempted to reintroduce himself but was immediately and angrily shot down by Rick. Showing that Rick harbors anger and ill will towards him after the battle at Alexandria.In Time for After, Eugene no longer considers Rick as his friend, blaming him and the Militia for causing the herd and getting people killed.

After Eugene's betrayal of the Saviors, their relationship seems to be repaired, as Rick tells Eugene how valuable he is to them, which makes Eugene smile.

Maggie Rhee[]

In "Self Help", Maggie, along with Tara, is supportive of Eugene and his abilities and a friendship develops between them. Despite having lied, Maggie still tried her best to revive him after getting knocked out by Abraham, despite clearly being mad at him. Maggie and Eugene are on better terms now as they have been seen together without any resentment present towards him.

Gabriel Stokes[]

The two have a neutral relationship, Eugene believes that Gabriel's beliefs are absurd. Gabriel's confession about his past, hits Eugene hard and he thinks about it. Possibly seeing himself in Gabriel, this may have played a part in Eugene confessing about his past.

When Gabriel is caught by the Saviors, Eugene is concern about Gabriel and takes him to Carson. Gabriel has no hard feelings about Eugene joining the Saviors. He tries to convince Eugene to leave and help him return Carson to the Hilltop.

When Eugene, Gabriel, and the Saviors start making bullets and Gabriel refuses, not wanting to contribute in hurting his friends. This angers Eugene. He then gives him a choice to make bullets or die. Gabriel reluctantly chooses to make bullets.

After Eugene sabotages the Saviors' bullets, he reveals that he had gotten his inspiration from Gabriel's inept efforts at sabotage. Subsequently, the two men remain close friends.

Daryl Dixon[]

Daryl and Eugene haven't had much interaction on screen, but seem to have a negative relationship due to Eugene siding with the Saviors.

Following the defeat of the Saviors, Daryl and Eugene become relatively good friends. After Eugene is responsible for the death of Sebastian Milton, Daryl is the one who protects him and responds only with kindness and understanding to Eugene's struggles, even attempting to reassure him that he doesn't need to be sorry about Sebastian's death.

Aiden Monroe[]

When Glenn, Tara, Noah, Nicholas and Aiden returned from their first supply run together Eugene saw Glenn and Aiden coming to blows and appeared concerned for Glenn and witnessed them fight. Eugene later, reluctantly, accompanied them on a supply run to find more parts for Alexandria's generator. Though Eugene tried to plead his case not to go Aiden still insisted he needed to as he didn't want to "come back with the wrong sh*t". When Aiden accidentally causes and explosion that gets impaled through metal bars but still alive, Eugene insisted Glenn, Noah and Nicholas rescue him. How Eugene reacts to Aiden's death is unknown but he was presumably saddened.


Eugene and Nicholas didn't interact much but they didn't get along well due to Nicholas' cowardly nature. Later when Eugene rescues Tara but Nicholas arrives without Glenn or Noah Eugene immediately stopped him from taking off in the truck, demanding to know where his friends are. When Nicholas threatened to leave him if he didn't get back in the truck, Eugene immediately pulled out his gun to shoot him though Nicholas overpowered him but Glenn arrived in time to stop him. Eugene may have lost any respect for Nicholas after this as he was seen holding him at gunpoint while unconscious on the trip back.


Eugene, along with his group, most likely hates Dwight for him being apart of the Saviors and with him tormenting Daryl Dixon. When Eugene and Abraham Ford went looking for a place to manufacture bullets, Eugene had been captured by Dwight and was threatened to be executed. After Negan, the leader of the Saviors, killed Abraham and Glenn Rhee, he had Daryl taken. Eugene somewhat seemed to be angry at the Saviors, but mostly at the one loading Daryl up who was Dwight.

Later at the Sanctuary, when Eugene becomes one of the higher-ups, Eugene recognizes Dwight and apologizes for him biting his crotch. He then assures Dwight of his name and that they both are Negan to which Dwight reluctantly agrees. From this conversation, it appears any hostility between the two has subsided.

Negan Smith[]

Starting off, Eugene's relationship with Negan was strained due to witnessing his closest friend, Abraham, being brutally beaten to death by Negan in front of him. After Rosita unsuccessfully tried to assassinate Negan, Eugene gave himself up as the creator of the bullet, resulting in Negan taking him back to the Sanctuary. Despite Eugene making the bullet that damaged Lucille, Negan held much respect for Eugene due to his smarts and knowledge and showed him respect and kindness, even giving Eugene a comfortable apartment and all the supplies he wanted. Negan later visited Eugene's apartment to ask him if he was truly loyal to the Saviors, leading Eugene to reassure that " I'm Negan."

When Negan enacted his plan to confront the Alexandria Safe-Zone, Eugene offered his assistance, inquiring to try to talk Rick and the rest of the community into surrendering to the Saviors. His attempts proved unsuccessful, and Negan chastised the community for attempting to detonate explosives next to Eugene and the Saviors, defending Eugene by pointing out that he was once one of them.

Eugene even expresses a few times that he enjoys living life as a Savior under Negan's hospitality. However it is gradually revealed that he is only loyal to the Saviors and Negan in order to protect himself and he eventually betrays Negan by tampering with his soldier's weapons, allowing the Militia to finally defeat him and the Saviors. It is unknown how Eugene felt about Negan being spared and taken as a prisoner rather then being killed.

In "The Storm", Eugene, like the others, was uncomfortable and annoyed by Negan's comments. When the Fireplace came out fire, and Eugene explained what happened, Negan tells him that he missed him and Eugene replies: "I can't say the same."

Negan and Eugene have very little interactions following Negan's release.


That would be a tactical error on your part. They'll believe me over you for the same reason he believed Dwight over the doctor. You're replaceable to him.

―Eugene after Frankie threatens to report him to Negan[src]

Frankie and Eugene have a rather poor relationship. At first they get along when Frankie, Tanya, and Amber keep Eugene when he first comes the Sanctuary. But then when Eugene refuses to give her and Tanya the pills to kill Negan and her threats don't work on Eugene, she cuts off any kind of friendship they have between them.


Tanya and Eugene seem to have an unstable relationship. However, when they first meet, she seems to like, trust and be entertained by his scientific abilities. This is shown when Tanya jokingly asks Eugene if he can make a bomb, which leads to him to actually igniting a bomb. Tanya claps giddily. Later on, she explains to Eugene about Amber's depression, and being suicidal. She asks him to make pills for her, so she can die peacefully. Eugene agrees to this. When Eugene refuses to give Tanya the pills later, after realizing they were instead intended for Negan, she calls him a coward and threatens to lie and tell Negan that it was Eugene's idea to make the pills. Eugene admits that it would be a mistake as she, as one if Negan's wives, is replaceable and he is not.


During a meeting in the absence of Negan, Regina suggest a plan to tactically sacrifice 40 workers in order to escape the Sanctuary surrounded by walkers. Eugene not only dismisses the likelihood of success in her tactics but also calls her out for risking a potential loyalty fallout from the workers. Agitated, Regina threatens to march Eugene out to the walker mass to motivate him to solve their crisis at hand. Regina spent much of the remainder of the meeting glaring at Eugene. However, later that day, Eugene has successfully came up with a tactical solution to rid the herd surrounding the Sanctuary. With Eugene's tactics ensuring the immediate survival and welfare of everyone in the building including Regina, it's possible her attitude towards the former may have improved.

Regina is seen alongside Eugene at his bullet factory outpost, while a shipment of spent bullet casings are being transferred to the facility. Later after Eugene is revealed to have sabotaged the Saviors' weapons, which allows the Militia to defeat them, Regina attempts to attack and kill Eugene though he is saved by Rosita who shoots and wounds Regina.


Simon and Eugene rarely interacted directly to each other, but it seems that Simon valued his intelligence and adored him for figuring out a way to lead the walkers out of the Sanctuary.

Eugene likely shows no remorse for Simon's death.

Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki[]

While it is not known whether they had a positive or negative relationship, but one of Althea's tapes confirms that she had interviewed Abraham and Eugene before they met Rick and his group.


Eugene and Nabila have a good relationship. In "Bonds" he invited her to test out the radio.

Maxxine Porter[]

Just so you know, you are the most remarkable human I've ever met in my heretofore uneventful life. You're beautiful in every way.

―Eugene to Max.[src]

Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (4)

Eugene made contact with Stephanie by chance, and the two quickly warmed up to one another. Eugene was able to convince Stephanie to continue their conversations, despite her cautiousness. Over time, Eugene has developed romantic feelings towards Stephanie, despite having never met her in person. When Rosita responded to Stephanie's calls, Eugene was furious with her for making him break his promise to Stephanie of not revealing their conversations to anyone, despite Rosita being unaware of this. Later, when Rosita invites Eugene to kiss her, he is unable to, despite previously having feelings towards her. Eugene was eventually able to win back Stephanie's trust by singing a song she wished to hear, and was even able to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (5)

After finally meeting Stephanie in person and learning that she's really Max Mercer, Eugene forms a romantic relationship with her. After causing the death of Sebastian, Eugene and Max get separated and are forced to go into hiding. Eugene is shown to be extremely worried for Eugene and tries to leave, even willing to fight Daryl to go out and find her. He eventually turns himself in and takes the fall for Max's role in Sebastian's death in order to protect her. Eugene is very loving and caring towards Max, a sentiment that is returned by her. The two eventually get married and start a family together.

Carol Peletier[]

Eugene and Carol have not been seen interacting much, but they do share a slight bonding moment in "Walk With Us", over the fact that they both know how it feels to piss people off and even get people killed, due to being obsessed over something.

Carol also encourages Eugene to go meet with Stephanie, which he appreciates, and he in turn tells her he hopes she finds what she wants.

Juanita Sanchez[]

Eugene and Juanita are on good terms. They are both cautious of one another at first not entirely sure if they can trust one another. However once Juanita reveals she's a loner and yearns for belonging and to be with others, they contact as Eugene was like that too at the start of the apocalypse.


TV Series Characters Relationships
King CountyRickShaneMorgan
Atlanta CampDarylLoriCarlCarolGlennDaleAndreaMerleTheodoreMoralesAmyJimJacquiSophiaEd
Atlanta Nursing HomeGuillermoFelipeMiguel
Center for Disease ControlEdwin
Greene Family FarmHershelMaggieBethPatriciaOtisJimmy
The LivingRandallDaveTony
Michonne's GroupMichonne
The PrisonJudithBobLizzieMikaCalebPatrickZachAxelOscarAndrewTomasBig Tiny
Tyreese's GroupTyreeseSashaAllenBen
Chambler FamilyTaraLillyMeghanDavid
Martinez's GroupPeteMitchAlisha
Abraham's GroupAbrahamRositaEugene
The ClaimersJoeLen
St. Sarah's ChurchGabriel
Grady Memorial HospitalDawnNoahStevenGormanO'DonnellBobJoan
Alexandria Safe ZoneDeannaRegSpencerAidenAaronEricJessiePeteRonSamEnidTobinOliviaNicholasHeathDeniseCarterR.J.
The WolvesOwen
The SaviorsNeganSimonDwightSherryAldenGavinJaredLauraD.J.AratReginaGaryPaulaJedJustinBrandonGraciePotterFrankieAmberTanyaTina
Hilltop ColonyGregoryJesusHarlanEarlTammyGageAdelineRodneyHershel
The KingdomEzekielJerryBenjaminHenryRichard
The ScavengersAnne
Magna's GroupMagnaYumikoConnieKellyLuke
The WhisperersLydiaAlphaBetaDanteMaryFrances
The HighwaymenOzzyMargoAlfred
Jocelyn's GroupJocelyn
Bloodsworth IslandVirgil
The ReapersLeahPopeCarverMancea
The CommonwealthPamelaSebastianLanceMercerMaxxineShiraTomichiTylerVickersTobyWarden
Miscellaneous SurvivorsClaraSamAnaEastmanSiddiqJuanitaMaysLucille
Eugene Porter (TV Series)/Relationships (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.