17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (2024)

Wondering whether you should quit sugar, but not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place. Buckle up.

Over the years sugar has earned itself a bit of a bad rap. Often associated with weight gain and illness, it has been the target of many a fad diet dressed as a health intervention. In reality, though, context is key when it comes to sugar intake – same as is it with all nutrients. It’s true that, when eaten in excess, sugar can be detrimental to your health. But, eaten in moderation, there’s no cause for concern. We’ll explain.

Sugar is a carbohydrate – one of the three macronutrients and essential for, well, life. There are four main types of sugar – glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose. Sucrose is the type of sugar that makes cakes and sweet drinks delish, and is the one most often associated with negative side effects, whilst fructose is a naturally-occurring sugar found in fruits, and lactose a naturally-occurring sugar found in dairy products. Foods high in glucose include honey, agave and fruit juices.

What’s the difference between the four main types of sugar? Simply, the nutritional profile of the foods each type of sugar is found in. Sucrose is often referred to as empty calories because it’s added to foods and drinks for flavour, but has very little to offer in terms of nutritional benefits. The other three types of sugar are naturally-occurring in fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta, milk (you get the idea) – all produce that contains a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Eating too much of any type of sugar over a prolonged period can wreak all sorts of havoc on your organs and can, (no, your parents weren’t lying) rot your teeth. But, and listen close: there’s nothing at all wrong with eating sugar as part of a nutritious and balanced diet.

If you’re still keen to quit sugar or reduce your sugar intake, read on for 17 top tips from nutritionists to help you on your way. As always, though, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet – particularly if you’re pregnant, on medication, or have a history of, or are at risk of, disordered eating patterns.

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How much sugar is okay to eat?

NHS guidelines currently state that sugar shouldn't make up more than 5% of your daily calorie intake a day. So, 30g (the equivalent of around 7 sugar cubes) of free sugars a day is an advisable limit. This does not include naturally-occurring sugars found in your morning banana or 4pm apple.

For context, a can of cola has around 9 cubes of sugar.

How long does it take to detox from sugar?

Before we continue we have to clear something up – it's not, scientifically speaking, possible to detox from sugar. Our bodies rely on sugars for fuel and for brain, central nervous system and red blood cell function. That said, it is possible to reduce many sugars from your diet, if you wish.

Another important note: "detoxing" sugar has not, to our knowledge, been analysed in a clinical study and there is no prescription on the amount of sugar-free days you want to log to re-set your relationship.

But, some people find that going three days cold turkey (including sugar from fruits and juices) can recalibrate their palette, so that they can taste the natural sugars in vegetables and fruit more, while most sugar-free nutrition plans take you through eight weeks of nada sweet stuff, followed by a reintroduction phase for fruits and small allowances for dark chocolate and the like.

It's crucial to note here that everyone's different – some will find it easier to reduce sugar intake than others, and cutting out many sources of sugars isn't for everyone.

I Quit Sugar for Life: Your Fad-free Wholefood Wellness Code and Cookbook

17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (1)

What happens if I stop eating sugar for a month?

It depends – on how much sugar you were taking in previously, lifestyle factors, such as nutrition, hydration, stress and sleep quality, and also personal factors, including age and genetics. All that to say, there’s really no knowing how your body will respond if you stop eating sugar for a month. However, since sugar is recognised as having potentially addictive properties you may experience some symptoms of withdrawal in the first couple of weeks after cutting back. These could include:

  • Anxiousness, restlessness or nervousness
  • Depressive mood
  • Brain fog, or difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Light-headedness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings

What happens if you quit sugar?

It’s thought that the sugar withdrawal stage passes after the first few weeks, so whilst you may experience symptoms like those listed above to begin with, they should have eased by around the 21-day mark.

After that? There’s not a lot of research on how the body responds to quitting sugar long-term, but studies on the ketogenic diet (which comprises of high protein and fat intake and minimal carbohydrates) show mixed results. One study found that, after following a ketogenic diet for 24 weeks, participants had reduced body weight and BMI, and they also had reduced LDL cholesterol (often referred to as the “bad” kind) and blood glucose. We’d argue, though, that 24 weeks doesn’t really count as long-term. Meanwhile, other research indicates that the high fat intake synonymous with the ketogenic diet isn’t ideal for long-term heart health.

There are, of course, benefits to reducing your sugar intake so it falls within NHS guidelines. These include a reduced risk of illnesses including heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes, and it can also help to prevent tooth decay.

Again, there's no knowing how your body will respond to quitting sugar. We'd reiterate, though, that it's often not necessary to quit sugar entirely – eaten in moderation and as part of a nutritious and balanced diet, sugar is both innocuous and enjoyable.

What can you eat if you quit sugar?

This depends on the kinds of sugar you're keen to cut back on. If you just want to shun refined sugar, then everything other than processed foods that contain the sweet stuff (such as ready-made sauces, sweet cereals, condiments and soups, confectionary, fizzy drinks and alcohol) is okay.

If you want to follow a strict plan, in which you also swerve some naturally-occurring sugars too, then you'll be filling your plate with plenty of proteins (eggs, meat, fish, tofu, legumes), fats (coconut, cheese, avocado) and low sugar veg, such as broccoli and asparagus.

You'll be replacing sweet drinks with water flavoured with mint, staying clear of booze and making your sauces from scratch.

How to quit sugar or simply cut down: 17 expert tips

1. Be prepared

    'When I get really hungry, I’m more likely to grab whatever I can get my hands on,' says nutritionist Clare Goodwin.

    'When it comes to quitting sugar,' or simply reducing your intake, 'clear your fridge and cupboards of sweet temptations then focus on meal prep. This way you’ll always have healthy – and instant – dinner and snack options ready when you need them most.'

    2. Avoid blood sugar crashes

    'If you experience a dip in your blood sugar levels, you’re more likely to crave simple sugars for their instant energy hit,' says Nutracheck nutritionist Emma Brown.

    'To avoid this, include high-fibre wholegrains such as wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, quinoa, wholemeal couscous, and wholegrain rice and oats into your diet as these release their energy more slowly.'

    Joseph Joseph GoEat Compact 2-in-1 Lunch Box, Green

    17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (2)

    Joseph Joseph GoEat Compact 2-in-1 Lunch Box, Green

    3. Explore alternative flavours

    'I help my clients keep their mind off sweet things by encouraging them to discover different tastes,' says nutritionist Kym Lang. 'A handful of crunchy nuts and seeds sprinkled with chilli powder will stimulate your tastebuds in a way that chocolate can’t.'

    4. Ditch the diet drinks

    'Don’t be fooled into thinking that a diet drink is a healthier choice,' says nutritionist Sarah O’Neill.

    'Various research has confirmed that diet drinks may in fact increase sugar cravings, meaning you’re more likely to eat more of the white stuff in the long run.

    'Lifehack: have a glass of sparkling water with fresh mint or lime, served in a wine glass, instead.'

    5. Always check the labels

    'As well as sugar, look out for honey, syrup, glucose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, malt syrup and dextrose,' says Brown. 'And remember, the higher up it appears in the ingredients list, the more there is in the product.'

    That said, you definitely don't need to cut out any and all foods containing sugar (which could actually be detrimental to your wellbeing). Rather, aim to keep your intake within the recommended daily allowance.

    6. Have a back-up plan

    'Identify the times of the day when you tend to crave things most and put a strategy in place,' says Goodwin.

    'For me, it was mid-afternoon – especially if I was working on something particularly difficult or boring. To combat that, I simply reorganised my work schedule – I organised meetings in the afternoon to distract me from cravings and to ensure I didn’t have the opportunity to sneak out for a chocolate bar. After two weeks, my sugar cravings had gone.'

    15 Healthy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Recipes

    17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (3)

    7. Eat before you're hungry

    'Aim to eat every three hours,' says Lang. 'You’re more likely to make low-sugar options when your willpower isn’t weak with hunger. Set reminders on your phone if you need to.'

    8. Spice up your life

    'Add cinnamon to your breakfast,' says Lang. 'Studies have shown that just 6g of the stuff – about a teaspoon – can reduce blood sugar dips after eating. Sprinkle it on your morning porridge, or over baked apples come the evening.'

    lakeland Leak-Proof Lunch Box with Compartments Large 900ml

    17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (4)

    lakeland Leak-Proof Lunch Box with Compartments Large 900ml

    9. Hit the gym

    'If sugar addiction is a psychological disorder, then mental health strategies can be employed to combat it,' says O’Neill.

    'A 2017 meta-analysis found that moderate exercise can combat physiological imbalances created by such disorders. Exercise endorphins can replace the need for sugar to hit those ‘reward’ centres.'

    10. Plan your snacks

    'A 2016 study by the government’s Behavioural Insights Team showed that people consume on average 50% more calories than they realise every day – the majority of which comes from snacking,' says O’Neill.

    'Plus, our circadian rhythms mean we have an energy slump around 4.30pm – putting us at a greater risk of visiting the vending machine.

    'Prepare for this dip with a healthy protein-rich offering such as hummus and crudités or a hard-boiled egg with some spinach and tomatoes. If evening grazing is your downfall, try cleaning your teeth after eating to signal food-time is over.'

    11. Ease in gradually

    'I never recommend quitting sugar outright – you’ll only crave it even more,' says Lang. 'Easing into change means you’re more likely to stick with it, as your body (and mind) have time to adjust.

    Set yourself small goals such as reducing the sugar in your latte by half for a week, then half again a week later.' And try swapping to these best sugar alternatives.

    Davina's 5 Weeks to Sugar-Free: Yummy, easy recipes to help you kick sugar and feel amazing

    17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (5)

    Davina's 5 Weeks to Sugar-Free: Yummy, easy recipes to help you kick sugar and feel amazing

    12. Get your beauty sleep

    'Research has shown that a lack of sleep not only impairs you from making complex decisions, it also activates the part of the brain responsible for sweet cravings,' says Goodwin.

    'How much sleep is enough? Aim to get an amount that means you wake up naturally, rather than being shaken awake by your alarm.'

    13. Eat your five-a-day

    'Fruit and veg is a hugely important part of a healthy diet,' says Brown. 'But if you're quitting sugar, focus on increasing your intake of vegetables over fruits.

    'Bulking out your meals with vegetables will ensure you fill up for fewer calories, get a good range of micronutrients and the additional fibre will keep you fuller for longer, helping to limit sugar cravings later in the day.'

    14. Get walking

    'Stress can have a major impact on cravings as you’ll be more likely to seek sugary comfort foods,' says Hobson. 'Instead of chilling out with a packet of sweets in front of the TV after a busy day, try going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath.'

    15. Eat mindfully

    'When I was really addicted to sugar, I would often find myself thinking about what my next sweet treat was going to be, before I had even finished dinner,' says Goodwin.

    'Take the time to use all your senses to enjoy your food so you’ll be consumed in what you’re eating, as opposed to what sugary treat you’ll be having next. What does your food look and smell like, how does it taste and feel in your mouth.’

    16. Cook from scratch

    'Ready meals and readymade sauces are often high in hidden sugar,' says Brown. 'To ensure you know what is in the food you are eating and to have control over any added sugar in your diet, try to cook your meals from scratch as often as possible.' Here are some sugar-free recipes to get your started.

    17. Have a back-up plan

    'When you’re trying to eat less sugar, use ‘if-then’ planning,' says Lang. 'Think about what you’ll do when you get a sugar craving. For example, ‘If I get a sugar craving at breakfast, then I will add berries to my morning yoghurt instead of honey’.'

    17 nutritionist tips that'll help you to cut back on sugar (2024)


    What are 3 tips for cutting back on sugar in our diets? ›

    4 tips to reduce added sugars in your eating habits
    • Find smart substitutions. Replace soda and juice with healthier options like low-fat milk, carbonated water, or unsweetened iced tea. ...
    • Replace food triggers with healthier options. ...
    • Be the food label expert. ...
    • Limit sweets and save them for a real treat.
    Jun 8, 2023

    What are four tips you can use to control your sugar intake? ›

    Tips to reduce your sugar intake
    • To keep things interesting, flavour your water with lemon, orange or lime slices, strawberries or fresh mint.
    • Avoid soft drinks and sports drinks. ...
    • Avoid fruit juice, even when it is 100% fruit juice. ...
    • Stay away from fancy hot drinks with free sugars.

    Which of the following is a way to cut back sugar intake? ›

    Pick lower-sugar options

    Choose packaged foods that have less or no added sugars such as plain low-fat or fat-free yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, or canned fruit packed in its own juice or water.

    What is the best food to cut down sugar? ›

    Healthier snack options are those without added sugar, such as fresh or tinned fruit (in juice, not syrup), unsalted mixed nuts, plain popcorn, rice cakes, crackers topped with lower-fat cheese or lower-sugar yoghurts. If you are not ready to give up your favourite flavours, you could start by having less.

    How to flush sugar out of your body overnight? ›

    Drinking enough water could help you keep your blood sugar levels within healthy ranges. In addition to preventing dehydration, it helps your kidneys flush out any excess sugar through urine.

    What happens after 2 weeks of no sugar? ›

    In conclusion, quitting sugar for two weeks can lead to a wide range of transformative changes in the body and mind. From weight loss and improved cardiovascular health to clearer skin and enhanced mental well-being, the benefits are evident.

    How to cut off sugar cravings? ›

    Other Things That May Work
    1. Drink a glass of water. Some people say that dehydration can cause cravings.
    2. Eat a fruit. Having a piece of fruit may help satisfy sugar cravings for some people. ...
    3. Avoid artificial sweeteners. ...
    4. Eat more protein. ...
    5. Talk to a friend. ...
    6. Sleep well. ...
    7. Avoid excess stress. ...
    8. Avoid certain triggers.
    Feb 10, 2023

    What can you eat on a 14-day no sugar diet? ›

    Non-Starchy Vegetables: Incorporate vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, and bell peppers for added nutrients. Lean Proteins: Opt for chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes to meet protein needs without added sugars. Whole Grains: Include quinoa, brown rice, and oats for complex carbohydrates without added sugars.

    What fruit has the lowest sugar? ›

    Limes and Lemons

    Limes and lemons are culinary staples for adding zippy brightness to dishes. They also top this list as the lowest-sugar fruits, with 1 and 2 grams of sugar per fruit, respectively.

    What is the 30 day no sugar challenge? ›

    The 30-day no sugar challenge is a dietary plan aimed at eliminating added sugars from your diet for 30 days.

    What does a sugar face look like? ›

    Here are the tell-tale signs on your face that sugar is the culprit aging your skin: The surface of your skin looks hard and shiny. Deep, crosshatch lines appear along your upper lip. Discoloration and hyperpigmentation mark your skin.

    What cancels out eating sugar? ›

    Hydrate. Flush out all that sweet stuff from your system by hydrating ASAP with water or other low-sugar fluids, and foods high in water content. "Drink plenty of water and go for foods like watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries and yogurt," Seaver says.

    What can I drink to flush out sugar? ›

    Water. It's tough to argue with water since it's calorie-free. But it also provides something important for blood sugar control: hydration. Drinking plain water is linked to a 6% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, finds a 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews ...

    What are the three worst drinks for blood sugar? ›

    The 3 worst drinks
    • regular soda.
    • energy drinks that contain sugar.
    • fruit juices.

    How do I cut back my sugar addiction? ›

    So, with that in mind: Here are six ways to help develop healthy habits.
    1. Combining foods. ...
    2. Prioritize sleep. ...
    3. Reduce sugary cues. ...
    4. Be mindful of portion sizes. ...
    5. Maintain a healthy relationship with food. ...
    6. Repetition. ...
    7. Sugar cravings.
    Mar 19, 2024

    How to eat a no sugar diet? ›

    Tips to Cut Down on Sugar
    1. Eliminate table sugar, syrup, honey, and molasses from your kitchen.
    2. Reduce sugar in cereal and coffee.
    3. Replace soda with water or diet drinks.
    4. Opt for fresh, frozen, or canned fruits.
    5. Choose fruits in water, not syrup.
    6. Reduce sugar in baking recipes.
    7. Use extracts (vanilla, almond) instead.
    Sep 19, 2023

    What does "cut back on sugar" mean? ›

    What experts mean is cutting back on specific kinds of sugars, like refined and processed sugars, typically sucrose. We're talking the sweet stuff you find in cookies, donuts, baked goods, co*cktails, syrups, cereals, and pretty much anything that comes in a packaged box with a long list of ingredients.

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